R Public Relations Firm

PR Platforms

5 PR Platforms You Need to Know in 2023

Success in public relations is more than being an expert. You need a committed team, knowledge of current trends, strong relationships, and data-based decision-making. But that's not all; to streamline your processes, you also need the right PR platforms. Since there are many PR tools out there, we have compiled a list of the five best PR platforms you need to know.

PR Platforms
Photo Credit: AlenaDarmel | Pexels

1. Meltwater

Meltwater is a game-changing tool every PR professional should have in their arsenal. The PR platform provides targeted media monitoring, social media listening, and analytics tools for improved performance. You can track brand mentions and make data-driven decisions using the analytics features. It can also be helpful to show stakeholders the impact of PR and prove a case for continued investment. 

You can also stay on top of conversations, allowing better audience engagement and crisis management. For example, if there's mention of your brand in negative reviews or allegations, you will get alert and quickly respond to the news. This way, you control the narrative and maintain brand reputation. In addition to tracking brand mentions, you can also share analytics with your team members for seamless collaboration and improved PR strategies. 

2. Cision

Cision is a leading PR software that helps brands manage media relations, distribute press releases, and monitor earned media performance. This has revolutionized how PR professionals manage their campaigns and media relationships by providing the necessary tools to streamline workflows and achieve maximum impact. One of its main features is the global media database that houses over one billion journalists, influencers, and media outlets, making it easier to target the right audience for your PR campaigns. With this feature, you can quickly identify and connect with the right journalists and influencers in your industry. Doing this will increase the chances of securing media coverage and amplifying your message to a broader audience. 

The advanced brand monitoring features allow you to track mentions of your brand or specific keywords across various media channels, including social media platforms, news websites, and blogs. This way, you can adjust your strategy to meet urgent industry needs and score profitable points. 

Cision also provides comprehensive analytics and reporting features to track the reach and impact of media coverage, monitor sentiment analysis, and generate customizable reports. Moreover, you can distribute press releases directly from the platform, which saves time and allows you to monitor the outreach performance. This PR management software offers unlimited benefits which can complement your expertise and lead to improved performance. 

3. HARO (Help a Reporter Out)

HARO is one of the must-know PR platforms to connect directly with journalists looking for expert sources and get your clients or brand featured in top-tier publications. When you sign up as a source, businesses can receive daily emails with media opportunities in their industry. 

Beyond securing valuable media coverage as you respond to these queries, you also boost your link-building profile and foster stronger relationships with journalists. HARO is a cost-effective way to gain media exposure and establish thought leadership. It's also an excellent tool for journalists to access a pool of experts and reliable sources for their publications. 

4. Prezly

Prezly is an all-in-one PR platform in 2023 that empowers you with features to manage campaigns and engage target audiences effectively. It focuses on streamlining communication and enhancing relationships with journalists, bloggers, and influencers. This unique media relations software provides many features like media database management, press release distribution, story pitching, and contact management. For instance, you can use the multimedia newsroom as a central hub for all your press releases, images, videos, and contact information. This feature lets you create visually stunning and interactive newsrooms showcasing your brand's story. 

In addition, you can use email distribution tools to create, track engagement metrics, and schedule follow-up emails. Prezly also provides analytics to measure the reach and impact of your PR campaigns, helping you refine your strategies in real-time and stay one step ahead of the competition.

5. Mention

Mention is an exceptional tool that revolutionizes how businesses monitor their online presence and manage their brand reputation. It allows companies to track brand mentions, competitors, and industry news across various online platforms. This PR platform provides real-time alerts, sentiment analysis, and social media listening capabilities to stay on top of online reputation. Mention also helps you to identify PR opportunities and respond to customer feedback promptly. 

Furthermore, it allows you to share mentions with your team members, assign tasks, and track progress within the platform. This facilitates effective collaboration, ensuring that all mentions are addressed adequately, leading to better customer engagement. 

Grow Your Business with Professional PR Services

PR Platforms
Photo Credit: AlexanderSuhorucov | Pexels

An effective PR strategy integrates human expertise, tools, relationships, and creativity. As a forward-thinking business, you must integrate analytics and effective content distribution into your approach to guarantee better campaign performance. Thanks to technological advancements, PR platforms like Mention, Cision, Meltwater, and HARO now offer reputation management, brand mention tracking, and campaign measurement features. This allows you to get real-time insights, track industry trends, and respond to crises faster. 

However, handling all these PR platforms on your own can be overwhelming, expensive, and time-consuming. That’s why you need to partner with an experienced and result-driven PR agency to get the best result on your PR effort. At RPR Firm, we help brands to maximize their PR campaigns that drive trackable results. Ready to optimize the ROI of your PR campaign? Schedule a free consultation to get a personalized PR strategy.