R Public Relations Firm

Food PR Packages

Tips for Pitching Your Brand to Food and Beverage Industry Influencers with Food PR Packages

One of the top trends in PR today is influencer marketing. In fact, according to Statista, the influencer marketing industry increased from $1.7 billion to 13.8 billion dollars in the last five years. As such, we think it's proven to be more than a trend, particularly for brands in the food and beverage industry. Here’s how influencers can help your brand and how you can reach them with food PR packages.

Food PR PackagesThe Impact of Influencers in the Food and Beverage Industry

There’s almost nothing better than a great meal with family or sharing drinks with friends. It’s such a part of our culture as Americans that we love to talk about it just about as much as we love to experience it. Enter the popularity of food and beverage influencers. The foodies, the chefs, the cocktail experts, the health conscious, and more create some of the most engaging content on social media, and consumers lap it up because it’s more credible and more real when coming from someone they follow, trust, and, in some sense, have gotten to know. And brands are not only taking note but also looking at how to capitalize on the ‘influence’ of influencers in their PR strategy to help:

  • Reach the right audience
  • Build engagement with that audience
  • Increase sales
  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build credibility for your brand and/or restaurant

Promote Your Brand with Food PR Packages

Now that we’ve established the impact influencer marketing can have in the food and beverage industry, the question becomes, how can your brand reach these influencers? First, you need to identify the influencers whose niche aligns best with your brand and then create a food PR package that includes:

1. An appropriate level of value

You don’t want to seem like you’re buying their review, but want to provide a substantial enough product or product package to give them a true brand experience.

2. Products that are easy to ship

This can be tricky for food and beverage brands but you want to make sure the product isn’t so temperature specific or so easily breakable that it could arrive damaged or spoiled. That certainly wouldn’t leave a good impression.

Products that look good on social – Make their job easy with an eye-catching product or food PR package that they can share with followers. Remember, they love posting the un-boxing experience!

3. Consider the packaging too

The idea is to give them the full brand experience (as much as possible anyway) and that includes the packaging as well. Use materials with your brand colors, make sure it has your logo on it, and any other brand touches that will help it stand out.

4. Write them a personal note

DO NOT send a form letter in your package. One, influencers in the food and beverage industry follow each other too so they’re likely to see what the others post. And two, you’re trying to build a positive relationship with them, and the best way to do that is with a personal touch. Show that you’re familiar with them specifically, briefly describe the purpose of your food PR package, and thank them for giving your brand a try.

5. Include talking points

You could do this in the note or on a separate piece of paper; include a description of the product(s), the benefits, how to use them, and any other key information. Should they decide to post about your brand, this will not only make their job easier but also ensure they present your products in the way you want them represented.

Food PR Packages

Outsource Your Food PR Packages

So, that’s a lot, we know! But you want to get this right. Food and beverage influencers have a direct line to your customers and potential customers so just as easily as they can promote your product, they can share negative experiences, too. Many small businesses simply don’t have the time or the expertise in this area, that’s where we come in! R team is not only experienced in food and beverage industry PR, but we also have strong influencer relationships here already! Which means we know how to reach who you need to reach and exactly how to get them excited about your brand.

We would love to help with your food PR packages. Learn more about our public relations services and schedule your FREE Discovery Call today!