R Public Relations Firm

Cause Marketing

Case Studies in Cause Marketing: 3 Examples of How To Do It Right

Cause MarketingCause marketing is becoming more and more popular among brands. Yes, because they want to do good in the world, but there are also a number of other benefits as well. However, for maximum impact (for your brand and your cause) there are some things you need to keep in mind. Check out these three case studies for examples of cause marketing done right.

The Benefits of Cause Marketing

By definition, cause marketing is a cooperative effort between a for-profit brand and a non-profit for the mutual benefit of both. The benefits include increased:

  • Sales for the brand
  • Money contributed to the non-profit
  • Connection with consumers 
  • Awareness of the cause

Keep in mind that cause marketing doesn’t have to focus on just national or global causes. It can and should focus on local causes as well.

Cause Marketing Case Studies

Cause Marketing

These examples showcase some of the recent cause marketing campaigns we’ve done for R clients.

1. Local Moves Studio’s Partnership with NAMI San Antonio

20-year fitness trainer and endurance athlete, Thomas Roe (T.Roe), whose techniques and expertise have benefitted clients all over Los Angeles, and have been featured in People, LiveStrong and Active, brought his passion for training, teaching, and inspiring change to San Antonio, Texas last fall when he opened Local Moves Studio. As part of the grand opening celebration, R team helped Local Moves partner with the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), San Antonio, to donate all proceeds made from classes during that weekend to the organization in addition to a $1,000 donation from the studio. NAMI was also onsite to offer information on mental health as well as their services.

This cause is particularly important to Roe as his life has been affected by mental illness in his immediate family. In fact, his approach to fitness at Local Moves is unlike any other circuit training because it also fosters community in order to support mental health by having clients partner with a buddy to motivate and keep each other accountable during workouts and outside of the studio. Roe encourages stepping out of your comfort zone not only physically, but also socially so you can meet others in the community and create bonds with each other to show support while working out, as well as through everyday life.

2. The Gentle Barn Turkey Guardian Campaign

This past fall as we approached the Thanksgiving holiday, R team helped The Gentle Barn, a national non-profit animal rescue group, with a campaign asking consumers to protect turkeys rather than serving during the holiday season. Their Turkey Guardian program provides the opportunity to sponsor one of five turkeys – Romeo, Sun, Luke Skywalker, Heather, or Smudge -- for a one-time donation of $35. Other options include sponsoring the entire Flock for a one-time $150 donation, or The Flock Plus sponsorship, a $1,000 one-time donation, which includes a special Zoom event with the founders. 

These funds support the organization’s efforts to rescue, protect and provide a safe and loving living environment for a range of severely abused animals at their sanctuaries located in California (Santa Clarita), Tennessee (Nashville), and Missouri (St. Louis). Sponsors also receive a Certificate of Turkey Guardianship, which includes the turkey's bio, a beautiful photo, and interesting facts about the turkey or turkeys they have chosen.

The idea behind this program is to generate understanding about what these innocent animals are really like as most people don’t realize that turkeys are affectionate, intelligent, and very social. It’s part of their unique philosophy connecting their animals’ stories of survival and healing to the personal experiences of underserved and special needs children who have suffered physical, mental, or emotional trauma. By interacting with animals in The Gentle Barn’s programs and taking a hands-on role in their welfare, they learn empathy, trust, and forgiveness.

3. Aramark Uniform Services Corporate Giveback After 2020 Nashville Tornadoes

On the night of March 2, 2020, a line of tornadoes struck Nashville, Tennessee wiping out beloved local businesses, family homes, and anchor institutions in the community. In the aftermath of the wreckage, one of the many buildings destroyed was Aramark Uniform Services.  As a result, over 2,400 of their loyal customers in the service industry and health care facilities throughout Middle Tennessee were without clean, essential uniforms. 

As part of its commitment to the Nashville community, Aramark continued to service these customers even while rebuilding their local facility by diverting 550,000 pounds of laundry to seven neighboring Aramark facilities to ensure they didn’t experience service disruptions during a time of need. Aramark also assisted the Nashville community in planting trees in the neighborhoods that were hardest hit by the tornado.

As a long-standing member of the Nashville community, Aramark wanted to make sure its customers, employees, and neighbors knew they weren’t forgotten and enlisted R team to create awareness. It’s also why they were determined to rebuild in the same location, bringing with it a range of employment opportunities as the new facility opens in March of 2022.

For more information on how R team can help your brand with cause marketing, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

crisis management

What Crisis Management Is and Why You Need a Publicist ASAP

Crises happen so often in the business world that there’s an entire subset of public relations devoted to them known as crisis management. Given that how you respond to a crisis can either boost your brand or damage it significantly, crisis management is as essential to your business as the Keurig your team relies on to function. Or is that just R team? In all seriousness, the right publicist can be the key to effective crisis management. Here’s how.

crisis management

What is Crisis Management?

The word “crisis” is defined as a time of intense difficulty, trouble, or danger. While that may seem ominous, a crisis for your business is really any unanticipated event that could disrupt your operations and/or cause potential harm to your brand reputation including:

  • Product recalls
  • Customer injuries
  • Employee misconduct
  • Security breaches
  • Natural disasters

As such, crisis management is the art of not only responding effectively to events that have occurred, but also your strategic approach in anticipating crises.

crisis management

How Can a Publicist Help?

A publicist can help with both aspects of crisis management. For example, R team is specially trained in the communication tools and techniques necessary to react promptly and strategically in a crisis as well as in identifying any potential vulnerabilities proactively. What’s more, because of our experience in the restaurant, hospitality, retail, health and wellness, business, and non-profit industries we’re uniquely equipped to help lifestyle brands with crisis management. Specifically, the benefits of partnering with a publicist include:

  1. Peace of mind – When a crisis hits, panic often ensues and that’s when mistakes happen. Likely this isn’t something you or your team deal with every day so it’s natural to be overwhelmed and not sure what to do. A publicist can take that worry off your shoulders, acting swiftly and surely on your behalf to protect your brand in the public eye.
  2. Freeing you to focus on the crisis – Realistically, you’ve got much more to worry about in a crisis than public relations alone. Having to split your focus between what to say in public as well as to your customers while also working to resolve the crisis itself is anything but ideal. With a publicist handling the media and your message, you’re free to focus on where you’re needed most.
  3. Controlling the narrative – Speed is everything in a crisis, particularly how fast you communicate about it. It’s so much harder to change perception once it’s in the news and/or on social media than to drive the message initially. While you’re wondering who to contact and what to say, things can quickly spin out of control. You avoid that entirely with a publicist because they can help you get the right message to the right people right away.
  4. Making the most of the situation – Often it’s just as much about how you say something as it is what you’re saying. A publicist has the training and the finesse to get your message across in a way that puts your brand in the best light. Yes, you want to be authentic, honest, and transparent about the crisis, but you also want the media as well as your current and potential customers to see the bigger picture. One crisis does not have to define your brand, and with effective crisis management, it won’t.

To learn how R team of publicists can help your brand with crisis management, schedule your FREE discovery call today!