PR trends

multimedia content

How to Use Multimedia Content in PR

The use of multimedia in public relations (PR) is growing rapidly. Since digital strategies are on the rise, PR efforts are taking on new forms. In our ever-changing world of social media and AI, PR strategies need to be adaptable.

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Photo Credit: Expect Best | Pexels

On average, people spend seven hours a day online. It’s no surprise that PR is going digital to keep up with the audiences who get their news and entertainment via social media. Explore how you can mix multimedia in your PR content. 

Types of Content


The use of images and infographics for your PR efforts can elevate your strategy. If you're trying to get a difficult concept across to your audience, a simple infographic might just solve that problem. In a digital world where almost everything is visual, images are essential for a PR campaign to stand out. 


Platforms like TikTok and YouTube have become a primary source of entertainment for many. Since their conception, these platforms have housed viral content and elements of pop culture. 

Now, video platforms function as search engines, providing searchers with in-depth tutorials or reviews of new products. Video has become so crucial to online news that a study done by the Reuters Institute found that short news videos were preferred by 66% of their sample, and longer video formats were preferred by about half of their sample. Creating video content for important announcements and thought leadership can be an easily digestible avenue for storytelling and engaging your audience. 


The accessibility element of podcasts makes it an easy plug into your strategy. Podcasts are a great way to reach an audience that is short on time by giving them a quick snippet of your content. Podcasts are also a commonly reputable source, as 51% of new listeners find podcasts trustworthy, according to AdWeek.

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Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics | Pexels


Written content is one form of multimedia that will never go out of style. Blogs can be used to promote thought leadership, drive traffic to a website, and establish trust with your audience. When creating blog posts, note how incorporating keywords can boost your SEO (search engine optimization) and increase your website ranking in search engines. 

Interactive Content

Let’s not stop there. Take your PR strategy to the next level by incorporating interactive content. This could look like a video game that sums up your content, an interactive website, or a platform that directly interacts with your audience.

Best Practices

Be Authentic

If using multimedia in your strategy doesn’t make sense, don’t use it. Doing what makes sense for your client is the bottom line, so if making a YouTube channel or starting a podcast doesn’t align with the brand, choose another route. 

Storytelling is Key

Building a compelling narrative is paramount to any PR strategy. When instilling multimedia in your PR strategy, keep in mind how it creates a larger story that supports your key messages.

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Photo Credit: Wendy Wei | Pexels

Stay True to the Brand

When creating multimedia content for clients, keep brand elements in mind. If you’re creating a new brand asset for an organization, ensure all branding elements, like logo and brand colors, are represented correctly. 

Keep Track

If a multimedia strategy works for a client, note it. Staying up to date with the results of multimedia content helps inform future strategies and allows you to create content confidently. 

Multimedia content will change as social platforms advance and people’s media consumption shifts. An important aspect of PR to remember is to remain adaptable. In a modern world, it’s essential to adjust your strategy to fit the changing needs of your audience. The use of multimedia is just one way you can adapt and change your strategy for the better.

crisis communication expert

So You Think You Don’t Need a Crisis Communication Expert

Crises happen when you least expect them. When faced with a business crisis, you may be unsure what to do next or how to mitigate damages. Crisis communication experts help businesses overcome these moments of uncertainty and move forward.

crisis communication expert
Photo Credit: Karolina Kaboompics | Pexels

What is Crisis Communications?

Crisis Communication is the strategic communication management of a significant event that threatens an organization’s reputation or operations. It involves the development of a comprehensive plan to address the crisis, communicate key messages, and manage the flow of information. 

Crises vary in severity, and this will always affect the communication plan. Some crisis communication plans require multiple steps to alleviate the effects of a natural disaster or manage a business's reputation amid negative rumors. 

Role of a Crisis Communication Expert

The role of a crisis communication expert is to maintain the reputation of a business through a crisis situation. The crisis communication expert will lead any key messaging for your organization to build trust with your audience and manage momentum after the crisis. 

Hiring a crisis communication expert can bring a new perspective to your organization, allowing you to see your crisis from all angles. This avoids any biases and keeps your team aligned on the bottom line. 

R Take on Celebrity Crisis Communications

Recently, our founder, Emily Reynolds Bergh, was featured in a Newsweek article discussing the controversy surrounding Chris Hemsworth’s feature of creator, MrBeast, on his YouTube channel. 

The controversy started with a video posted by Hemsworth titled, “I Put MrBeast To The Test In The Gym,” in which he and MrBeast worked out with friends to see who could burn the most calories in 30 minutes. 

This video led viewers to voice their concerns in the comments. The YouTuber holds the record for the highest number of subscribers on the platform, with a staggering 317 million subscribers as of late September. Although his content is viewed as rather charitable, he has recently been accused of staging his content and hiring a registered sex offender to work with his team. Videos of him using racial and homophobic slurs have also resurfaced amid these accusations.

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Photo Credit: | Pexels

So, where does this leave Hemsworth? Many PR experts (our team included) have weighed in on the issue, agreeing that this YouTube video may leave many questioning Hemsworth’s decision. Still, it won’t likely cause irreparable damage to his reputation. 

Our years of experience with crisis communications have taught us how to mediate these types of crisis situations. As for the controversy over Hemsworth’s video, we believe that he simply posted the video too soon; much of the crisis could have been mitigated with different timing.

Mr.Beast Controversy and R Founder, Emily Bergh's Statement

"The dust has not settled," Bergh told Newsweek. "The MrBeast controversy is still too new... You need people to know you're sorry. Remain quiet and demonstrate that you’re not trying to deflect.” Bergh continued, “People need to know he actually is looking at himself, his past associations, and actions—not just saying he is."

Recommended Steps for Managing a Crisis

We always recommend implementing the following steps when encountering a crisis situation: stop, apologize, acknowledge what you did and what you can do better, and then make a plan and stick to it. People can see when an apology is fluff, so be authentic when acknowledging your mistake and dedicate time to reflect. These steps help reestablish trust with your key public audiences and avoid contradictory actions. 

Whether you’re a celebrity, international business, or anything in between, it’s vital to consider how decisions affect your public image. You can apply these steps to any similar situation, no matter what kind of business you are. 

If you encounter a crisis, seriously consider if hiring a crisis communication expert is right for you. In most cases, a crisis communications expert will help your business bounce back from a crisis by providing positive messaging guidance and keeping you on track.

PR efforts

The Impact of Podcasts on Your PR Effort

Podcasts are growing rapidly, so much so that podcast listeners are projected to reach over 110 million by 2029, according to a study done by Statista. According to Demandsage, there are around 4 million podcasts worldwide as of August 2024. Podcasts cover a vast range of topics and have become a source of news, inspiration, and entertainment for many. The increasing popularity and demand for podcasts are apparent, and industries, including public relations (PR), are accommodating this shift in content. Here are a few ways to use podcasts to your advantage in your PR effort.

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Photo Credit: Magda Elhers | Pexels

Why Use Podcasts for Your PR Effort?

Deciding if podcasts are suitable for your PR strategy can be tricky. According to Forbes, many podcasts only have a couple dozen listeners, but don’t let this discourage you. Even if your listenership is small, the effects can be mighty. When developing podcasts, you have a better chance of reaching loyal members of your target audience. This is only one of the many benefits of incorporating podcasts into your PR effort.

Read on to learn about the various ways podcasts can benefit your PR strategies and campaigns.

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Photo Credit: cottonbro studio | Pexels

1. Thought Leadership

Podcasts are a great way to discuss topics in depth and build trust. According to the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of podcast listeners find podcasts to be a trustworthy source and expect information to be accurate. If you're looking to build authority within your strategy, developing a podcast can be a great way to do so. Showcase your expertise by deep-diving into your niche and becoming a source of truth.

2. Tell a Story

The best stories are told verbally. Podcasts are a great way to deliver content entertainingly and concisely. Podcast content allows you to take control of your narrative and tell stories how you want. Since podcasts are an “owned” platform, meaning you have full control over them, you get to decide how long or short the episode is, your tone and delivery, and any other factors like whether you want to add a video format to your podcast. Not to mention, consumers find podcasts easy to consume and are more likely to gravitate towards podcasts for long-form content. 

3. Establish Brand Voice

What better way to establish your brand’s voice than giving it an actual voice? When planning your podcast, consider all aspects of how it will enhance your brand. Many podcasts use music to separate sections of an episode or incorporate a Q&A for viewers. Choosing the right person to host your podcast, your podcast title, and any supporting guests are all important ways of conveying your brand's message and building brand awareness

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Photo Credit: George Milton | Pexels

4. Reach Your Target Audience

A unique feature of podcasts is that there is something for everyone. If you’re looking to reach a niche audience, podcasts might be the route to take. With genres ranging from comedy and education to business and news, there’s something for all podcast listeners to enjoy. Reaching your desired audience is often a leading goal in PR strategies, so developing a podcast may be an easy solution.

5. Boost SEO 

Podcasts are another medium in which you can plug keywords into your content. Since Google can now audio index podcasts via Google search, your podcasts can appear in search results for your top keywords. You can also include a written transcription of your podcast episodes to share on your website and accompanying blog content for total SEO optimization. 

Podcasts have met consumers' need for easily accessible news, information, and entertainment. Creating a podcast can generate authenticity with your audience and give you a forum to share information and stories. When creating your next strategy, consider the benefits of podcasts. Not only is this trending medium valuable to your brand and audience, but it also makes a lasting impression on your PR efforts. 

fake news

How PR Professionals Are Fighting Back Against Misinformation in the Age of Fake News

In a digital landscape that moves at the speed of light, the rise of fake news has become a significant challenge for public relations (PR) professionals. Fake news presents new and growing challenges to PR efforts, with misinformation spreading rapidly across social media platforms and even traditional news outlets. The growing public distrust of media and the need to safeguard brand reputation have transformed how PR firms operate, making it critical to understand and navigate this new reality.

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Photo Credit: Markus Winkler | Pexels

The Rise of Fake News

Fake news, often defined as false or misleading information presented as legitimate news, has gained traction due to the widespread use of social media and the internet’s ability to disseminate information instantly. A recent study found that falsehoods reach 1,500 people six times faster than the truth. This phenomenon is not just a problem for the general public but also for brands and PR firms tasked with maintaining a positive image in an increasingly skeptical world.

The ease with which fake news can be created and shared has led to a significant rise in misinformation. A single tweet, blog post, or video can go viral within minutes, reaching millions of people before any fact-checking can occur. This speed and reach pose a unique challenge for PR professionals, who must now be more vigilant than ever in monitoring the digital landscape for potential threats to their clients’ reputations.


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Photo Credit: George Milton | Pexels

Public Distrust of Media

As fake news continues to expand its reach, public trust in the media has eroded. According to a recent survey by Gallup, 29% of U.S. adults have “not very much” trust, while a record-high 39% register “none at all.” That means nearly four in 10 Americans completely lack confidence in the media. This growing distrust means that even legitimate news sources can struggle to maintain credibility, impacting the effectiveness of PR campaigns.

For PR firms, this distrust presents a double-edged sword. On the one hand, working with credible media outlets is necessary to get clients' messages across. On the other hand, there is an increasing awareness that audiences may be skeptical of any news, making it harder to build and maintain trust. PR professionals must now go beyond traditional media relations, focusing on transparency, authenticity, and building direct relationships with their target audiences.

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Photo Credit: Magnus Mueller | Pexels

The Impact of Fake News on Pitching

In this environment of skepticism and misinformation, pitching to media outlets has become more complex. Journalists are inundated with pitches, many of which they disregard due to the sheer volume of content they receive. With the added burden of ensuring that the information they report is accurate and trustworthy, journalists may be even more selective about the stories they cover.

For PR professionals, this means that pitches must be more compelling, data-driven, and backed by credible sources. A well-crafted pitch is no longer enough; it must be supported by evidence, expert opinions, and verifiable data to stand out. Moreover, building long-term relationships with journalists and media outlets has become essential to ensure that pitches are not only heard but also trusted.

PR firms must also be prepared for the possibility that their pitches might be scrutinized more closely than ever before. Any hint of exaggeration or inaccuracy can lead to a pitch being rejected or, worse, damage the credibility of the brand and the PR firm itself. This necessitates a higher standard of ethical communication, where transparency and honesty are paramount.

Protecting Brand Reputation

The rise of fake news has also forced PR firms to take a more proactive role in protecting their clients' reputations. In the past, managing a brand's reputation was primarily about controlling the narrative through positive media coverage and responding to crises. Today, it involves constant vigilance and the ability to respond quickly to misinformation before it can take hold.

Crisis management has become a critical component of PR strategies in the age of fake news. PR firms must be prepared to address false claims, correct misinformation, and communicate clearly with the public to mitigate any damage to their clients' reputations. This often requires a multi-channel approach. Leveraging social media, press releases, and direct communication with stakeholders to ensure the truth prevails.

Moreover, PR professionals must educate their clients about the risks of fake news and the importance of maintaining a strong, authentic brand presence. By fostering open communication and transparency, brands can build trust with their audiences, making them less susceptible to the influence of fake news.

The rise of fake news has impacted the field of public relations, creating new challenges and opportunities for PR professionals. As public distrust of media grows, PR firms must adapt by enhancing the credibility of their pitches, protecting brand reputations more vigilantly, and fostering direct, transparent relationships with their audiences. In this era of misinformation, the role of PR is more critical than ever in ensuring that the truth is heard and trusted.

By understanding and addressing the impact of fake news, PR professionals can navigate this complex landscape and continue to represent and protect the brands they serve effectively. For more information on navigating the challenges of fake news in today’s PR landscape, schedule a meeting with RPR today.

media pitch

What To Do When Your Media Pitch Falls Flat

Even the most carefully crafted media pitch can sometimes fall flat. If you've experienced this, you're not alone—every PR professional has faced the challenge of a pitch that just doesn't resonate. But what you do next can make all the difference. Here's a guide to help you navigate this situation, turn it around, and achieve the media coverage you seek.

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Photo Credit: Annie Spratt | Pexels

1. Assess and Analyze the Situation

The first step is to figure out why your pitch didn't land. Review the pitch with a critical eye, considering these factors:

  • Relevance: Was the pitch relevant to the journalist or media outlet? Tailoring your pitch to the specific interests of the journalist and the publication is crucial.

  • Timing: Did your pitch coincide with a major news event or another story that took precedence? Timing can make or break a pitch.

  • Clarity: Was your message clear and concise? Journalists are often overwhelmed with pitches, so clarity and brevity are essential.

  • Value: Did your pitch offer something newsworthy or valuable to the audience? Make sure your story has a strong hook.

Ask for feedback from the journalist or media outlet. While you may not always receive a response, constructive criticism can offer valuable insights.

2. Revise and Refine Your Pitch

Once you've identified potential weaknesses in your pitch, it's time to revise and refine it. Consider the following adjustments:

Personalize your pitch.

Go beyond generic pitches by addressing the journalist by name and referencing their previous work. Demonstrating that you've done your homework can significantly increase your chances of getting noticed.

Strengthen your hook.

Make sure your pitch has a compelling hook that grabs attention right away. This could be a unique angle, a surprising statistic, or a timely connection to current events.

Craft an attention-grabbing subject line.

The subject line is the first thing a journalist sees, so make it count. Craft a subject line that's intriguing and informative, clearly indicating the pitch's value.

Emily Reynolds Bergh, the founder of R Public Relations Firm and a public relations guru, recommends, “If your pitch still seems lackluster, consider changing the angle entirely. Sometimes a fresh perspective can breathe new life into a story.”

media pitch
Photo Credit: George Milton | Pexels

3. Target the Right Outlets

Maybe your pitch didn't resonate because it wasn't sent to the right outlets. Research your media list and ensure you're targeting journalists and publications that align with your story. Tools like Cision and Muck Rack can help you identify the right contacts and track their recent work.

If you realize your original targets weren't the best fit, expand your list. Sometimes, a niche publication or a local outlet is more likely to pick up your story than a major national newspaper.

4. Follow Up Thoughtfully

Following up can be a delicate balance. You don't want to be pushy, but you don't want to miss an opportunity. When following up, keep these tips in mind:

  • Be polite and professional.

Always approach follow-ups with a courteous tone. A simple, "I wanted to check in to see if you had a chance to review my pitch," can suffice.

  • Offer additional value.

Use the follow-up to provide extra information or a new angle. This could be an updated statistic, a quote from a relevant expert, or an upcoming event that ties into your pitch.

  • Know when to move on.

If you have not received a response after one or two follow-ups, it may be time to move on. Consider pitching the story to another outlet or revisiting it later with new information.

5. Learn and Adapt

Every failed pitch is a valuable learning opportunity, offering insights that can significantly enhance your future PR efforts. Again, assessing, analyzing and even keeping a detailed record of these observations can help you identify patterns over time, allowing you to refine your strategy.

Bergh adds, “The PR landscape is constantly evolving, influenced by shifts in media consumption, emerging technologies, and changing social narratives. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow. Stay adaptable and open to change.”

Consider experimenting with new formats, such as multimedia press releases, or exploring different platforms, like podcasts or social media, to reach your target audience. Additionally, don’t hesitate to seek out new learning opportunities. Attend industry webinars, read up on the latest PR trends, and engage with other professionals in the field. The more you invest in continuous learning, the better equipped you'll be to adapt to the ever-changing media environment and refine your pitches to align with current best practices. 

When your media pitch falls flat, it's not the end—it's a chance to regroup, refine, and reengage. Keep learning and stay persistent, and you'll increase your chances of getting the media coverage your story deserves. If you need advice on how to reposition your pitch, we can help. Schedule a meeting with RPR today. 

Media Training

Media Training 101: Insider Tips from the Pros

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, effective media communication is not just a skill but a necessity for individuals and organizations. Whether you're a business leader, public relations specialist, or an entrepreneur, mastering media interactions can significantly enhance your brand's reputation and reach. Media training is designed to teach business executives, public relations teams, and other key members of your organization the tools and strategies they need to ensure that any interactions they have with the media result in positive media coverage for the company. 

Media Training

Here are five essential media training tips from the pros to help you navigate interviews, press conferences, and public speaking engagements with confidence and poise.

1. Understand Your Audience

One of the fundamental principles of media training is to know your audience. Before engaging with the media, it's essential to research and understand who you are speaking to. This knowledge helps tailor your message to resonate with the audience’s values, interests, and concerns.

Why it Matters: Tailoring your message to your audience's values, interests, and concerns can make your communication more impactful and engaging. Whether you're addressing potential customers, stakeholders, or the general public, aligning your communication with their interests can enhance engagement and effectiveness.

Pro Tip: Develop audience personas and prepare key messages for each group. This strategy allows you to shift your communication style and content seamlessly to meet the needs of different audiences.

2. Craft Clear and Concise Messages

Clarity and brevity are paramount in media communication. The best media professionals excel at delivering messages that are both clear and concise, avoiding jargon and overly complex language. This approach helps ensure that your key points are understood and remembered.

Why it Matters: In a media landscape with short attention spans, concise messaging helps maintain the audience's focus and prevents misinterpretation. It also makes it easier for journalists to quote you accurately.

Pro Tip: Use the "rule of three" to structure your messages. Break down your main points into three clear, easily digestible segments. This technique aids in retention and provides a simple framework for your audience.

3. Practice Active Listening

Active listening is a crucial skill during media interactions. It involves fully concentrating, understanding, and responding thoughtfully to questions or comments. Active listening ensures that you address the interviewer’s questions directly and provides an opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings in real-time.

Why it Matters: Active listening helps build rapport with journalists and audiences. It demonstrates respect and attentiveness, which can lead to more productive and positive interactions.

Pro Tip: During interviews, maintain eye contact and nod occasionally to show you are engaged. Pause briefly before responding to ensure you fully understand the question and to give yourself time to formulate a thoughtful response.

Media Training
Photo Credit: Warner Pfennig | Pexels

4. Manage Your Non-Verbal Communication

Your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice play a significant role in how your message is received. Non-verbal cues can reinforce or undermine your message, depending on how well they align with your verbal communication.

Why it Matters: Consistent and positive non-verbal communication builds trust and credibility. It helps convey confidence and sincerity, which are critical for maintaining audience engagement and trust.

Pro Tip: Practice in front of a mirror or record yourself to become aware of your non-verbal habits. Pay attention to your posture, gestures, and facial expressions. Aim for open and confident body language, such as standing or sitting up straight, making appropriate eye contact, and using hand gestures to emphasize points.

5. Use Media Training to Prepare for Tough Questions

Media interactions often include challenging or unexpected questions. Being prepared to handle these effectively can make a significant difference in maintaining control of the narrative and protecting your reputation.

Why it Matters: Handling tough questions with grace and confidence prevents you from being caught off guard and helps maintain credibility. It also demonstrates transparency and honesty, which are valued by both the media and the public.

Pro Tip: Anticipate potentially tough questions and prepare thoughtful, concise responses. Practice these responses through mock interviews with colleagues or a media training professional. This preparation helps you stay calm and composed during actual interviews.

Bonus Tips for Effective Media Training

Emily Reynolds Bergh, the founder of R Public Relations, is a public relations pro with over 15 years of experience delivering personalized, top-caliber PR services. Bergh explains, “Effective media training is invaluable for individuals and organizations who want to level up their public relations toolkit, so you can confidently navigate interviews, convey key messages, and build a positive public image.”

Here are a few additional media training pointers from Bergh:

  • Stay On Message: Regardless of the direction of the interview, always steer the conversation back to your key points. Use bridging phrases like, "What's important to remember is..." to redirect focus.
  • Control the Pace: Speak at a moderate pace to ensure clarity and allow the audience to absorb your message. Avoid speaking too quickly, as it can lead to misunderstandings and give the impression of nervousness.
  • Know Your Platform: Different media platforms require different approaches. Adapt your style for television, radio, print, or online interviews. For example, television interviews often require more concise and visually engaging responses, while print interviews allow for more in-depth explanations.

Mastering media training involves understanding your audience, crafting clear messages, practicing active listening, and preparing for tough questions. These skills, when honed, can significantly enhance your ability to communicate effectively with the media, thereby boosting your brand's image and influence. By following these tips from the pros, you'll be well-equipped to handle any media interaction with confidence and professionalism.

Media training is not a one-time effort but a continuous process of learning and adapting. As the media landscape evolves, staying updated with the latest trends and techniques will not only ensure you remain an effective and impactful communicator but also keep you motivated and eager to improve.

Media Pitching

Media Pitching 101: How to Create the Perfect Pitch

Whether you're a seasoned PR professional or just starting out, crafting a compelling pitch that grabs a journalist's attention is both an art and a science. The unfortunate truth is that journalists don’t open or respond to the majority of media pitches. According to Propel, the average response rate to pitches in Q4 of 2023 was 3.15%. The odds are not in our favor as public relations professionals. But with repetition and an understanding of effective media pitching practices, you can better your chances of securing meaningful results.

 Media Pitching
Photo Credit: Lum3n | Pexels

Here are some tips to help create the perfect media pitch.

1. Personalize Every Pitch

Personalization is a powerful tool that can make or break a pitch. It’s not just about addressing the journalist by name; it’s about tailoring your copy to be relevant to the reporter’s beat. Demonstrate that you respect their work and understand their audience. A well-researched, personalized pitch stands out in a crowded inbox and increases your chances of engagement. 

Be mindful of differing preferences among journalists and openly communicate your desire to deliver pitches to their taste. The aim is to foster lasting relationships with each journalist, making them more likely to cover your stories in the future. Take the time to research, cater specifically to each journalist, and maintain professional etiquette.

2. Craft a Compelling Introduction

Grab reporters’ attention with a captivating subject line and introductory paragraph. Be concise and intriguing, but avoid sending clickbait without any substance. Journalists are busy people, often inundated with pitches daily, so get straight to the point. Ensure that your intro accurately reflects the content of your pitch while emphasizing the most exciting elements. A strong introduction can be the difference between your pitch getting a response or being sent straight to the trash.

3. Don’t Be Too Wordy

Every word in your pitch should be valuable. According to Marketing Interactive, pitches with body lengths between 50 and 150 words earn nearly double the average overall response rate, at 5.06%. Find a unique angle that showcases the significance of your pitch and highlights what’s newsworthy about it. Communicate why your pitch matters, give essential details, and keep it concise. If interested, the reporter will reach out for more information.

4. Make an Offer Journalists Can’t Refuse

Media pitching is competitive; your pitch must foster a sense of urgency and value. Consider offering an exclusive. An exclusive gives journalists a unique angle, making them more likely to cover your story. It also helps build stronger relationships with media outlets, as they appreciate being the first to break news.

Media Pitching
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio | Pexels

5. Have a Follow-Up Strategy in Mind

Anticipate a lack of response on the first pitch — that’s nothing out of the ordinary. Following up with reporters is standard practice. Reiterate your key points, offer any additional information, and always express appreciation for their time. And don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call! 

There is a fine line between persistence and nuisance, so maintain professionalism and respect. If there’s still no response after one to two follow-ups, it might be best to move on and try a different angle or another journalist.

6. Be Available and Responsive

If a journalist is interested in your pitch, respond promptly. Offer to provide additional information, set up interviews, or facilitate any other requests they might have. Your responsiveness is paramount to building a positive relationship with the journalist and increasing their chance of covering your story. 

The perfect media pitching combines research, creativity, and strategic communication. You can stand out with an understanding of media pitching etiquette and a knack for crafting concise, compelling messages. With these tips, you can increase your chances of getting your story picked up and fostering meaningful journalistic relationships. Best of luck!


Top 5 PR Strategies Every B2B Company Should Know

In the fiercely competitive world of business-to-business (B2B) commerce, effective public relations (PR) can be the deciding factor between being a well-known entity and being lost in obscurity. Unlike their business-to-consumer (B2C) counterparts, B2B companies operate within a network of professional relationships that demand a nuanced PR approach. 

Photo Credit: Fauxels | Pexels

B2B PR targets decision-makers and industry experts within businesses, while B2C PR targets individual consumers. Business-to-business messaging is usually more strategic in its media approach than B2C PR — B2B outreach requires more tailored messaging that considers each audience's specific challenges. Relationships primarily drive B2B PR; it's less about products. 

Here are some essential B2B PR tips for B2B companies that enhance visibility and foster strong business connections.

B2B PR Tip #1: Craft a Compelling Narrative

In B2B PR, a compelling narrative is essential in the modern media landscape. It's not enough to simply list services or products; companies need to tell a story that resonates with their audience. This story should highlight the company's challenges, innovations, and successes. For instance, a tech company might share how it overcame a significant software hurdle to deliver a breakthrough product. This narrative approach humanizes the company and creates an emotional connection with potential clients and partners.

B2B PR Tip #2: Leverage Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is a critical component of B2B PR. Companies can position themselves as industry leaders by sharing expert insights and forward-thinking perspectives. Various channels, such as blogs, white papers, webinars, and public speaking engagements, can help B2B businesses establish visibility as innovative partners. For example, a CEO who regularly publishes articles on industry trends can significantly boost the company's credibility and attract attention from key stakeholders.

Photo Credit: Austin Distel | Unsplash

B2B PR Tip #3: Build and Maintain Media Relationships

Securing media coverage is a powerful way to increase visibility in the B2B sector. However, this requires building solid relationships with journalists and industry influencers. 

Companies should identify relevant media outlets and journalists covering their industry and consistently provide them with valuable content, such as news updates, expert opinions, and unique insights. This ongoing engagement can lead to more frequent and favorable media coverage.

B2B PR Tip #4: Use Case Studies and Testimonials

Case studies and testimonials are invaluable in business to business PR. They offer concrete proof of a company's capabilities and successes. Detailed case studies that outline specific challenges, solutions, and results can effectively demonstrate the value of a company's products or services. Testimonials from satisfied clients further bolster credibility and can be powerful tools in persuading potential clients to engage.

B2B PR Tip #5: Embrace Digital Channels

A robust online presence is not just important, it's crucial for modern B2B companies. Social media platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter and industry-specific forums provide opportunities to share content and interact with the target audience. Additionally, email marketing can be used to nurture leads and keep clients informed about company updates. Ensuring the company's website is optimized for search engines will also help potential clients find relevant content more easily.

Measuring PR Effectiveness

Effective PR strategies are data-driven. Companies should establish clear goals and key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the success of their PR efforts. B2B companies should track media coverage, social media engagement, website traffic, and lead generation. Analyzing this data helps companies understand what strategies are working and where adjustments are needed, ensuring that PR efforts remain effective and aligned with business objectives.

For companies, PR is a strategic tool that can enhance reputation and build strong business relationships. By crafting compelling narratives, establishing thought leadership, building media relationships, utilizing case studies, leveraging digital channels, and measuring effectiveness, B2B companies can navigate the complexities of their industry and achieve greater visibility and success.

To learn more about how a strategic PR plan can elevate your B2B business, schedule a consultation today.

Brand Campaigns

Why Independence Day Brand Campaigns Are Trickier Than You Think

Independence Day, with its fireworks, barbecues, and displays of red, white, and blue, offers a prime opportunity for brands to connect with consumers through patriotic messaging. However, crafting the perfect Fourth of July campaign is far from straightforward. The political climate, consumer sentiment, and the need for authenticity all play critical roles in determining the success or failure of a brand’s patriotic efforts. In this blog, we'll explore why Independence Day brand campaigns are more complex than they seem and provide insights on how to navigate these challenges effectively.

The Political Climate

One of the most significant factors making Fourth of July campaigns tricky is the current political climate. Unlike past decades, today's political environment is highly polarized. National symbols and patriotic themes can evoke strong, divergent reactions based on individual political beliefs. As brands attempt to harness the spirit of Independence Day, they must tread carefully to avoid alienating segments of their audience.

Navigating Political Sensitivities

Brands must be acutely aware of the political undertones in their messaging. For instance, promoting American pride can be interpreted in various ways, depending on the context. A message that one group views as patriotic may be seen by another as nationalistic or exclusionary. Therefore, brands need to:

- Stay Neutral: Aim for inclusive messaging that celebrates the diversity and unity of the American spirit rather than aligning with any specific political stance.

- Avoid Hot-button Issues: Steer clear of contentious political issues that can overshadow the intended celebratory message.

- Monitor Trends: Keep an eye on current events and public discourse to gauge what might be particularly sensitive or divisive at the moment.

Brand Campaigns
Photo credit: Frank McKenna | Unsplash

Consumer Sentiment

Understanding consumer sentiment is crucial for any marketing campaign, but it is especially important for Independence Day. Consumers' perceptions of patriotism can vary widely, influenced by personal experiences, regional differences, and social issues.

Aligning with Consumer Values

Brands must ensure that their campaigns resonate with the values and feelings of their target audience. To do this effectively, they should:

- Conduct Research: Utilize surveys, focus groups, and social listening tools to understand how consumers feel about patriotic themes and what they associate with national pride.

- Be Empathetic: Acknowledge the diversity of consumer experiences and strive to create messages that feel respectful and inclusive.

- Promote Unity: Emphasize themes of togetherness, community, and collective progress, which are likely to have broader appeal.

Brand Campaigns
Photo credit: Jason Leung | Unsplash


In an age when consumers are increasingly skeptical of corporate motives, authenticity is paramount. A brand’s Fourth of July campaign must feel genuine and true to its identity. Any hint of insincerity can lead to backlash and damage to the brand's reputation.

Crafting Authentic Messages

To ensure authenticity in Independence Day campaigns, brands should:

- Stay True to Brand Values: The campaign should align with the brand’s core values and long-term messaging strategy. If a brand has never engaged in patriotic messaging before, a sudden shift can seem disingenuous.

- Share Real Stories: Highlight genuine stories of employees, customers, or community members that embody the spirit of Independence Day. Real stories resonate more deeply than generic slogans.

- Avoid Over-commercialization: While the goal is to drive sales, overly commercialized patriotic messaging can seem exploitative. Balance promotional content with messages that contribute positively to the holiday’s meaning.

Case Studies: Successes and Missteps

Examining past campaigns can provide valuable insights into what works and what doesn’t. According to PR News Online, successful Independence Day campaigns often share common traits:

Successful Campaigns

  1. Budweiser’s “America” Campaign: Renaming their flagship beer “America” during the summer season was a bold move that paid off. It resonated because it was backed by a history of patriotic branding and complemented by a campaign that celebrated American values in a broad and inclusive way.
  2. Jeep’s “Fourth of July” Ads: Jeep has consistently tied its brand identity to American ruggedness and freedom. Their campaigns often feature scenic American landscapes and historical references, reinforcing the brand’s long-standing association with American adventure and independence.

Missteps to Avoid

  1. Pepsi’s Controversial Ad: While not an Independence Day ad, Pepsi’s 2017 campaign featuring Kendall Jenner is a cautionary tale. The ad was criticized for trivializing social justice movements, highlighting the importance of understanding and respecting the gravity of cultural and political contexts in any campaign.
  2. GAP’s Flag T-shirt: GAP faced backlash when it released a T-shirt featuring the American flag but omitted some of the flag’s stripes. This oversight was seen as disrespectful and careless, underlining the importance of attention to detail in patriotic branding.

Independence Day brand campaigns present a unique set of challenges that require careful navigation of the political landscape, a deep understanding of consumer sentiment, and a commitment to authenticity. By staying neutral, empathetic, and true to their brand values, companies can create meaningful and resonant campaigns that celebrate the spirit of July 4th without falling into common pitfalls.

For brands looking to make an impact this Fourth of July, the key lies in balancing celebration with sensitivity, ensuring that their messages are inclusive and genuine. As we look ahead to the next Independence Day, let’s remember that a thoughtful approach can turn a tricky campaign into a triumphant one.

Thought Leadership

Combat the Summer News Slowdown with Thought Leadership

Summer is a time of transition. Schools close, vacations begin, and the pace of life slows down. For PR professionals, this seasonal shift often translates into the dreaded "summer news slowdown." As journalists and audiences alike retreat to their summer activities, the news cycle tends to decelerate. For many brands, this period can pose a significant challenge: how to maintain visibility and relevance when the media landscape is taking a breather.

But what if this lull is not a barrier but an opportunity? What if this quiet period is the perfect time to establish your brand's voice through thought leadership? At RPR Firm, we've found that summer is the ideal season to strategically position our clients as industry leaders. Here's how we turn the summer news slowdown into a season of growth and influence.

Thought Leadership
Photo credit: Fabien Barrali | Unsplash

Embracing the Opportunity

Years ago, we worked with a burgeoning tech startup struggling to gain media traction. Their product was innovative, and their team was passionate, but every pitch seemed to fall on deaf ears. This was particularly frustrating during the summer months when it felt like their messages were being sent into a void. 

Instead of pushing harder with the same approach, we decided to pivot. We shifted our focus from pitching product news to crafting thought leadership content. We positioned the startup's CEO as an industry visionary, sharing insights on trends, challenges, and future predictions. Furthermore, we transformed their blog into a hub of industry knowledge, featuring in-depth articles, opinion pieces, and expert interviews.

The result? Media outlets started to take notice. Journalists looking for interesting and insightful content during the slow news cycle began to reach out for interviews and guest articles. The startup's visibility soared, and its credibility was cemented. That summer became a turning point for their brand.

Crafting Compelling Thought Leadership

Thought leadership is not just about having opinions; it's about having informed, forward-thinking insights that can shape conversations and influence perceptions. Here are some strategies we've honed over the years to help our clients shine as thought leaders during the summer slowdown.

1. Identify Unique Perspectives

Every industry has its buzzwords and trending topics, but what truly sets a thought leader apart is their ability to offer a unique perspective. This requires a deep understanding of the industry and the ability to see beyond the obvious. Start by identifying the core issues and trends in your field. Then, ask yourself: what fresh angle can you bring to the table?

For example, one of our clients in the renewable energy sector didn't just talk about the benefits of solar power. Instead, they focused on the social impact of renewable energy in underdeveloped regions. This unique perspective resonated deeply with journalists and audiences alike, leading to a surge in media interest.

Thought Leadership
Photo credit: Ludovica Dri | Unsplash

2. Leverage Data and Research

Opinions are valuable, but data-backed insights are powerful. Conducting original research or leveraging existing data can provide a solid foundation for your thought leadership content. This not only adds credibility but also makes your content more engaging and newsworthy.

Consider partnering with research institutions, conducting surveys, or analyzing industry reports. Present your findings in a compelling way, with clear visuals and actionable takeaways. One summer, we helped a healthcare client publish a groundbreaking report on patient care trends, which became a go-to resource for journalists and industry professionals throughout the year.

3. Share Personal Stories

Storytelling is at the heart of effective thought leadership. Sharing personal experiences, challenges, and triumphs can humanize your brand and create a deeper connection with your audience. When our clients open up about their journeys, it often leads to the most impactful and memorable content.

Take, for instance, a client in the education sector who shared her personal journey from a struggling student to a successful entrepreneur. Her story, intertwined with insights on educational reform, not only captured media attention but also inspired countless readers.

4. Engage with the Community

Thought leadership is not a one-way street. Engaging with your community—be it through social media, webinars, or industry events—can amplify your voice and expand your reach. Use the summer slowdown to host virtual roundtables, participate in panel discussions, or launch interactive social media campaigns.

One summer, we helped a client in the fitness industry launch a series of live Q&A sessions with industry experts. These sessions were promoted across social media, generated significant buzz, and positioned our client as a central figure in the fitness community.

Amplifying Your Message

Creating great content is only half the battle. To truly combat the summer news slowdown, you need to ensure your thought leadership pieces reach the right audiences. Here are some tactics we've found effective.

1. Optimize for SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for ensuring your content gets discovered. Identify relevant keywords, optimize your headlines and meta descriptions, and use internal and external links strategically. Quality content that is SEO-optimized can attract organic traffic long after the summer ends.

2. Pitch to Niche Publications

While mainstream media might slow down, niche publications often continue to seek quality content. Identify the key players in your industry and tailor your pitches to their specific audience. These targeted efforts can lead to high-impact placements and long-term relationships with journalists.

3. Repurpose Content

Maximize the reach of your thought leadership by repurposing content across different formats and platforms. Turn a well-received blog post into a podcast episode, a webinar, or a series of social media posts. This not only extends the lifespan of your content but also reaches diverse audience segments.

Measuring Success

Finally, it's important to measure the impact of your thought leadership efforts. Track metrics such as media mentions, website traffic, social media engagement, and lead generation. Use these insights to refine your strategy and continually improve your approach.

At RPR Firm, we've seen firsthand how the summer news slowdown can be transformed into a period of growth and influence through thought leadership. By embracing unique perspectives, leveraging data, sharing personal stories, and engaging with the community, brands can not only maintain visibility during the quiet months but also emerge as industry leaders.

So, as summer approaches, don't view the slowdown as a setback. Instead, seize the opportunity to craft compelling thought leadership content that will resonate long after the season ends. With the right strategy, you can turn the summer lull into your brand's moment to shine. To learn more about how we can help with your summer thought leadership, schedule a free consultation with RPR Firm today.