

So You Think You Need PR?


So You Think You Need PR? What Does That Really Mean and What Are You Signing Up For?

You’re an entrepreneur, a start-up, a small business, or a non-profit and you’ve been told you need PR to take your brand to the next level. But what exactly is PR? And if you enlist these kinds of services, what can you expect? Most importantly, how exactly can PR help your brand? 

Here's R take on all these questions.

PR Defined

Most people assume that public relations (PR) is the same thing as marketing, but the two are actually very different. The goal of PR is to influence, engage and build a positive relationship and/or image with your target audience through:

  • Corporate communications
  • Crisis communications
  • Investor relations
  • Media relations
  • Influencer relations
  • Reputation management
  • Event promotions

You’ll use tools such as press collateral, editorial placements, social media placements, media and influencer outreach, and list development as well as sponsorship and partnership coordination to do so.

The goal of marketing, on the other hand, is is to build awareness of and to promote/sell your product(s) and/or service(s) through:

  • Brand marketing
  • Advertising
  • Content
  • Search engine marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Targeted marketing campaigns
  • Conference and trade shows

Marketing uses tools such as sales collateral, blogs, websites, email, and direct mail to achieve that goal.

Clear as mud? The main difference is twofold. One, PR is typically not paid and thus requires cultivating and maintaining relationships with media and influencers. And two, as such you lack some control over the narrative with Public Relations, however it is often seen as more credible.

What You Can Expect from a Public Relations Firm

When you enlist a PR firm, they will help you to engage with your audience and maintain a positive public image using their expertise and relationships with media as well as influencer contacts to ensure your message(s) is covered in the right places at the right time. We R a boutique PR firm that has a number of benefits over large agencies including:

  • Area of expertise – Boutique PR firms are focused in a particular area of expertise. For example, R firm lifestyle brands including those in the restaurant, retail, hospitality, health and wellness and startup industries.
  • Personal touch – Large agencies often woo clients with senior staff and then pass you off to a junior team. With a boutique PR firm, you work with exactly the team you signed on with from beginning to end. What’s more, small businesses usually equal small fish for the large agencies and the amount of time spent on your Public Relations may reflect that. Yet you’re always number one with us!
  • Less bureaucracy – The larger an agency is the more bureaucracy you’ll likely find.  Boutique PR firms have more freedom to be collaborative, responsive, and adaptable to your needs, more like an extension of your own team. And here’s a secret, many boutique Public Relation firms, like Rs, are run by PR professionals who’ve left large agencies so they could get back to the work they love on their own terms!
  • More budget-friendly - Large agencies may charge upwards of $500 an hour, however, boutique Public Relations firms may charge as little as $150 an hour. In addition to hourly billing, you may also have the option of a Public Relations retainer which is a lump sum that you pay for services each month. The amount paid depends on how much work you need to meet your PR goals and your budget – again also tack on overhead costs for larger agencies. R firm is mindful of budget for our clients and, in fact, offers a 6-month program known as Launch which includes developing a brand identify, PR plan and campaign for smaller brands who qualify.

Benefits of PR

There are so many benefits of PR, but at the same time, they depend on your goal(s). That’s why we always start with a Discovery Call because once we get to know you and learn your goals, we can create a proposal with a customized service outline that details the specific benefits of PR for your brand. But, in general, the benefits of Public Relations include:

  • Increasing brand credibility
  • Enhancing online presence
  • Increasing brand awareness and positive brand image
  • Increasing profits, sales, and leads

For R help with your PR, learn more about our public relations services. Or, schedule your FREE Discovery Call Today!


R Public Relations Firm has been recognized among the 10 best Public Relations Firms in Austin, New York and San Antonio in 2021 by DesignRush Marketplace.

After evaluating and analyzing RPR’s performance with some of the most prominent brands in the US, the online platform gave the company a spot among the most reputable agencies in San Antonio. 

R Public Relations (RPR) was founded in 2008 by Emily Reynolds Bergh, an experienced and seasoned publicist who has worked with top name media companies and secured press in The New York Times, Food and Wine Magazine, LA Times, Esquire Magazine, Texas Monthly, Garden and Gun, Southern Living, and more! RPR has achieved a 90% client retention rate, thanks to the relentless pursuit of opportunity and optimization efforts, and prides itself on being a part of every client's internal team. 

In 2020, despite a global recession caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the company had no layoffs or pay cuts, adopting an “employee first'' policy, and was able to surpass a growth rate of over 200% from the previous year. RPR’s presence has grown from the US into Europe and continues to expand.

DesignRush is a reliable online guide to finding the best professional companies and agencies, categorized according to vertical and area of expertise.  

DesignRush evaluates thousands of agencies and is committed to helping brands find the best solutions for their needs. The platform has a listing that allows users to search partners based on clients, portfolios, reviews, pricing structure, and testimonials. This recognition to R Public Relations is one of many that distinguishes the agency and claims its excellence.

DesignRush has also ranked R Public Relations as a Top PR Company in New York and Nashville.

DesignRush Austin

DesignRush San Antonio

DesignRush New York

earned media vs. paid media

Earned Media vs Paid Media (and Why You Need Both!)

When it comes to cultivating a positive reputation for your brand, promoting your products, services or events and keeping your name top-of-mind in the media, success hinges on the right mix of public relations. That’s right, public relations or PR, isn’t as cut and dry as you may think. There are actually different types of PR – specifically, earned media and paid media – and each uses different strategies to help you achieve your goal. When should you use earned media vs paid media? R approach is to use both. Here’s how the mix benefits your brand.

Earned Media vs Paid Media

First, let’s define each. Earned media is likely what you typically think of when it comes to PR and it includes:

  • Mentions in the news as well as reviews
  • Positive comments from customers on social media
  • High organic rankings on search engines

This word-of-mouth PR is the best type, but it’s also the hardest to achieve. As the name says, you have to earn it through hard work on your end by creating exceptional customer experiences and on R end through expertise in social media strategy as well as content development plus the relationships we nurture and develop with media contacts.

Paid media is exactly as it sounds; paying to make your brand more visible through:

  • Social media advertising
  • Influencer marketing
  • Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising

This is becoming increasingly popular as a way to supplement earned media because you have more control and can target the specific audience(s) you want to get your brand in front of. But again, having the right expertise in these areas is crucial to keep you on point and on budget.

Achieving the Right Mix

Unfortunately, there’s no set formula that can tell you how much earned media vs paid media is necessary to achieve your goals. Both have their own pros and cons.

Earned Media Pros

  • Increased credibility
  • Heightened brand awareness
  • Expanded reach

Earned Media Cons

  • Considerable time and effort
  • Can be difficult to measure
  • Running the risk of negative publicity too

Paid Media Pros

  • Control over your message and targeting
  • Easy to measure
  • Quick results

Paid Media Cons

  • Can be costly
  • Lacks the credibility of earned media
  • Managing multiple platforms can be challenging

To achieve the right mix for your brand, you have to balance the pros and cons of each type of PR with your own resources, budget and goals.

R Team Can Help

R team has the PR expertise in both earned media and paid media, and experience in industries such as restaurant, hospitality, retail, health and wellness, business, non-profit to help you determine just the right mix for your brand. It all starts with a discovery call where we take the time to get to know you, your brand and your goals firsthand. From there we’ll create a proposal with a customized service outline with the earned media and paid media balance that gives you the greatest PR benefit.

Click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

cost of pr

Is PR Too Pricey? R Common Cost Questions Answered

With public relations (PR) services, there can be a bit of a learning curve when it comes to pricing AND value. The saying “you get what you pay for” certainly holds true here as PR can offer tremendous benefits to your brand. But before we get to that, we’ll answer some of our most commonly asked questions about the cost of PR.

What is a PR retainer?

PR retainer is a lump sum that you pay to the public relations agency or professional each month for their work. The amount paid depends on how much work you need to meet your PR goals and your budget, so it’s important to specific about both in your preliminary communications. Traditionally the cost of PR retainers can be from $1,500 to $10,000 a month, depending on the scope of work and project/client needs. 

How much do PR agencies charge hourly?

Large PR agencies may charge upwards of $500 an hour for their time. However, smaller agencies or consultants may charge as little as $125 an hour. The average hourly rate at a larger PR agency is currently between $150-$250 per hour. 

What does that cost cover?

  • Pitching to major media outlets
  • Media lists and sharing sources that have been cultivated by the team of experts
  • Copywriting (pitching ideas and editing them)
  • Supporting a team (from initial pitch to researching and editing there is likely a team, of people that budget will cover)

How do I choose the right PR agency?

That’s a tough question to answer because “right” can be different for each brand. However, these tips can put you on that path:

  • Decide on your goals first. What is your vision? You need to know this before someone can sell your story.
  • Consider all your options, such as hiring a PR agency versus hiring someone who may solely focus on SEO as an example. 
  • Determine your budget for PR.
  • Decide what size PR agency is right for you. Remember that smaller budgets may mean less attention in large agencies while you may be the “bigger fish” for a boutique PR agency.
  • Be specific during the proposal process. The better you vet, the better the result will be. For example, ask that those who will be on your account be involved from the beginning so you can gauge capabilities and chemistry as well.

What would I get through a PR agency that I couldn’t with a marketing firm?

Often, marketing firms provide a variety of services, including social media, digital media, advertising, and, of course, PR. However, PR differs from those mediums as it is earned, not paid. Hence, it requires different expertise, not to mention the time and ability to cultivate relationships with media and influencers. Large marketing firms may have that bandwidth (and you’ll pay for it), but the small ones won’t necessarily. That’s the advantage of going directly to a PR agency. For example, R agency has incredible direct media contacts and expertise in leveraging those to garner coverage that creates a positive image and credibility for your brand. It’s our (R) specialty!

The Value Behind the Price of PR

R founder, Emily Reynolds Bergh puts it beautifully, “When it comes to the cost of PR and pricing, we are a small business; not a large PR agency. Yet oddly enough we provide our clients with more direct contact to experienced staff AND charge less than a large firm. We have found that our value to a business is second-to-none when it comes to delivering a solid PR plan and direct relationships. However, we charge rates that are also fair to the market. Our retainers are based on the work we do weekly to provide those R-esults.”

She goes on to say, “As a small business, we are mindful that not everyone can spend big when it comes to PR. So, we also have lower budget options in which clients can apply. One is based on promoting a specific project. The other is R Prosper Program, which is designed to support solo entrepreneurs for six months by developing their reach and brand identity and a PR plan and campaign to launch them into the market in which they seek to connect. The end game is long-term relationships, not just a mass press release. And that provides lasting value for your brand (and us).” 

For R help with your PR, learn more about our public relations services. Or, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

what is influencer marketing

Influencer Marketing: How Social Media’s Influence on PR Benefits Your Brand

Gone are the days of painstaking research to build accurate media lists, of phone pitches, of basing announcements on publication dates, and of waiting, sometimes for months, to see if you were published via press clips received – gasp – by mail! As social media has evolved, it has elevated PR right along with it to the cheers of us professionals and the benefit of the brands we represent. So what is influencer marketing, and how does social media’s influence on PR benefit your brand? Here’s how.

The Purpose of PR

The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) defines PR as “a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.” You do this by influencing, engaging, and building a positive relationship and/or image with your audience.

Many confuse PR with marketing, but it’s actually quite different. One big difference is in the amount of control you have over the narrative. In marketing, you pay to place an ad with your message; in PR, the amount of coverage, and in essence, your brand’s perception depends solely on your access to and/or relationship with the media. Or, at least it did…before social media.

Using Social Media in PR

Essentially, social media helps us to break down the invisible wall that once stood between brands and their audience(s). It’s no longer just about going through the media with your story and praying for the best. Social media can help you to meet your brand’s PR goals by:

  1. Working with Influencers – These people give your brand a voice in a way neither you nor a media story could do on its own. Influencers have huge followings that you can tap into to promote your products or services and help with reputation management.
  2. Social Listening – PR was more reactionary in the past, but with social media, you can keep your finger on the pulse of public perception of your brand. This enables you to proactively respond to any issues that might come up and better understand your customers in general.
  3. Using Your Platform(s) – Again, it’s about controlling the narrative as best you can. Social media can help you do that much more swiftly, if not immediately when necessary. Today’s news cycle is 24/7, so getting your story on social platforms can also influence the angle of media coverage as journalists do their share of social listening as well.
  4. Creating Real Relationships – Social media allows you to engage your audience directly with content that’s not only newsworthy but also important to their needs and where they are in the sales cycle. Think blogs, how-to guides, FAQs, and even related content that ties with your brand that could help them.
  5. Improving Media Relations– Social media is an integral part of PR now, but it doesn’t replace the importance of good media relationships. It can make that easier, however. Most journalists are active on social media and publicly list their handles. You can use this to learn more about their beats, when they need resources, how they prefer to work, as well as their personal and professional interests. Depending on your industry, you could include bloggers in this as well!

All this being said, be careful with a do-it-yourself PR strategy. It’s certainly easy enough to post, but appropriate messaging, knowing how to work with influencers and media, social listening savvy, and the ability to effectively measure results is key. 

R team has extensive PR experience, and we’d love to help your brand. See how by clicking HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call Today!

crisis communication plan

4 Reasons a Crisis Communications Plan is Essential to Any Business

Although we’re well into the new year, it’s safe to say we’re probably all still a little shell-shocked from the craziness of 2020. Not just personally but in business as well. Sure, we’re optimistically planning ahead, but if there’s ever been a time to take the familiar idiom, “hope for the best and prepare for the worst” to heart, it’s now. R view is that having a crisis communication plan is a key to doing just that. Here’s why.

What Is A Crisis Communication Plan?

Essentially, a crisis communication plan is your strategic approach to responding to an unanticipated event that could disrupt your business operations and/or damage your brand reputation. It could be a product recall, customer injury, employee misconduct or a security breach. But natural disasters and, as we’ve recently learned, pandemics can certainly qualify as a crisis for businesses too!

Why Crisis Communications is Essential to Your Business

Quite simply, s@%t happens! You can think of a crisis communications plan like insurance in a way - a safety net that’s there for you just in case.  When navigating your business through the unexpected, here’s why a crisis communications plan is essential:

  1. You won’t be caught off guard – When a crisis hits, time is essential. The longer you take to respond the quicker trust in your brand erodes, or at the very least, confusion will keep customers away. With a crisis communication plan in place, you’ll be able to provide transparency and the most appropriate messaging right away.
  2. You’ll be able to focus on resolving the crisis – In a crisis, it’s all hands on deck, right? Making it nearly impossible to prepare your communications plan and manage the crisis effectively at the same time. By preparing ahead of time, everyone knows their role in communicating, what steps to take and who to communicate with, freeing up the rest of your team to deal with the crisis itself.
  3. You’ll be able to control the narrative – One thing we in the PR industry know, is that the first message that’s out there is the stickiest, so to speak. It’s so much harder to change perception than to drive the message initially. Trial by social media is all too common these days and an effective crisis communication plan can help you get the right message to the right people instead of the wrong one going viral.
  4. Done right, you could improve your reputation – Warren Buffet once said, "It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.” Yikes, but true. On the flip side, as we’ve seen over the last year, businesses who are authentic, honest and open the lines of communication have been the ones who have thrived in spite of the circumstances. 

Check out R Take on Crisis Communications During COVID-19 and Beyond for tips that can be applied to any unanticipated situation. Or, click HERE to schedule a FREE 15 min Discovery Call and let’s get started on your crisis communications plan together!

marketing plan steps

R Marketing Plan Steps for a Successful New Year

marketing plan steps

It's a new year and that means you should be doing your marketing planning NOW. With last year fresh on your mind and the promise of this year ahead, this is the perfect time. Plus, most businesses are slower at the beginning of the year giving you more opportunity to reflect and plan. Not to mention trying to play catch-up later in the year can really limit your options for business growth. So, with all systems go, R tips can help you successfully map out your marketing plan steps.

Marketing Plan Steps to Include

Throwing it against the wall to see what sticks is as bad of an idea for spaghetti as it is your marketing. You must be strategic, or much like the spaghetti, you’ll just have a mess. Instead, R marketing plan steps include:

  • Know who you are – We’re talking about your brand as it’s the foundation from which you will build your plan. Be able to answer these questions clearly: What do you do? What are your products/services? Who is your target audience? What is your promise to customers (value proposition)? What sets you apart (your positioning)?
  • Identify what you want to do – With your brand identity firmly cemented you can begin identifying marketing objectives. Drive leads, convert more leads to customers, increase awareness, upsell or cross sell customers, launch a new product or service, and/or increase customer satisfaction are common ones, but here’s the key: you have to make it quantifiable to be able to measure success. Here’s another key: you can’t do everything, pick two or three to focus on.
  • Take stock – This is an often-overlooked step but before you begin any new marketing campaigns, it’s important to take stock of what you’ve already done or are doing currently. Look at your social media, content marketing, SEO, ads, and public relations activities with the goal not only to avoid duplication of effort but also to see what you might improve. Also, make sure to perform a competitive analysis to get a good handle on your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. 
  • Determine how you’ll get there – Now for the fun! What tools will you use to achieve your marketing goals? There are endless options available, but this is where a solid understanding of your target audience(s) comes in as quite simply, you need to be where they are. What’s more, keep in mind those tools may change throughout the sales cycle. For example, social media may pull in leads while email helps you to nurture them. Your content will likely also need to change throughout the sales cycle so you’ll need to flesh out what message to promote when.
  • Find out how you did – We talked about the importance of quantifiable goals above and this is where that really comes into play. Google Analytics and Search Console are ideal to measure website traffic; where it’s coming from, visit length, and conversions. You can measure social media through the individual properties (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.) and can measure email metrics through your platform too. Or, tools like Hubspot can bring it all together. For PR, media impressions are key.

More on Measuring Your Goals

Not only is it important to measure the results of your marketing plan based on your goals, but you need to do it on an ongoing basis! So many businesses neglect this step. A marketing plan isn’t something you can set and forget. Success depends on your ability to optimize throughout the year as you learn more about what works and what doesn’t. 

Leave it To the Experts

This can be overwhelming - we get it! Not everyone has a dedicated marketing department to take this on and for many of our clients, marketing is not their area of expertise. You want your marketing dollars to pay off, but not at the expense of what you need to be focusing on – running your business! That’s where we come in!

R goal is to help clients in industries such as restaurant, hospitality, retail, health and wellness, business, non-profit and more to achieve theirs through:

  • Marketing Strategy and Campaign Creation
  • Public Relations
  • Social Media 
  • Event Management
  • Content Marketing
  • Creative Services
  • Analytics

For R help your marketing plan, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

marketing plan steps

boutique public relations firm

The Big Benefits of a Boutique Public Relations Firm

If you’re looking to make a big splash for your event, product, or service, you think you need a big Public Relations agency to do it, right? Not even close. Much like how there can be too many cooks in the kitchen, the same can apply here too. When there are too many people in the PR process it can quickly bellyflop your vision and your budget. Here’s how a boutique public relations firm can benefit you.

Boutique Public Relations Firm, by Definition

So, ‘boutique’ isn’t just a fancy word for small, at least in the PR world. A boutique public relations firm is also one that is specialized or focused in a particular area of expertise. For example, R boutique public relations firm represents lifestyle brands including those in the restaurant, retail, hospitality, health and wellness, and startup industries.

Benefits of Boutique

You can expect these benefits in working with a boutique public relations firm:

  • No Swapsies – It’s a common practice for large agencies to woo clients with their most senior account team, yet as the campaign moves along you find yourself handed off to junior team members to bring it to fruition. This doesn’t happen with a boutique firm; you work with exactly the team that inspired you to sign on with them in the first place; from beginning to end.
  • Focused on You ( R business is Yours) – To put it bluntly, large agencies don’t need you as much, especially if they don’t see a lot of growth potential in the account. And the amount of effort spent on your campaign may reflect that. On the other hand, boutique public relations firms live and die by the relationships they create with their clients, so they are focused on doing their best for you, always.
  • Fierce Flexibility – The larger an agency is the more bureaucracy you can expect, which means you’ll have to work within their system and schedule versus the other way around. Boutique firms have more freedom to be creative and can be more responsive. This creates an environment that’s naturally more collaborative and adaptive to your needs, more like an extension of your own team.
  • More Splash for Your Buck – Large agencies are corporations with more overhead, so naturally what they charge reflects that. Plus, they’ll likely track and bill for every little thing; it’s more transaction-based. With a boutique public relations firm, you have a partnership in which you’re committed to the same goal – the success of your campaign and hopefully the success of many more in the future! As a result, the back and forth is viewed as part of the process! Not to mention, as a small business there’s much less overhead. 

For R help with your next PR campaign, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call Today!

benefits of a boutique pr firm

r favorite things 2020

R Favorite Things 2020 Edition!

2020 has been a doozy, hasn’t it?! In the midst of the global pandemic, we have grown as a team to further appreciate the way words can change the course of a mindset and the way relationships really keep people and places afloat. We have grown our chapters in cause marketing and crisis management further than ever imagined and in the midst of it all, have furthered our appreciation for the shop-small mantra—being that our mission is to serve YOUR business as R own, we really take being locally minded to heart this holiday season, more than ever before. That being said, here from R client picks to R staff picks is R favorite things 2020!

Thank you for reading and being a part of R family,

Emily  + The Amazing RPR Team

First and Foremost R Clients; As they R always our favorites

The Bookstore Plus, get an e gift card and stock up on The New York Times bestsellers or perhaps spend some holiday money on art supplies, either way, this local indie bookstore has it all and we heart yees them real big! 

favorite things 2020


Robin Haley Jewelry: Seen on some of our staff picks list but for real these handcrafted fine and fashion pieces of art are like the gift of owning a gallery that is pocket sized and sparkly, not to mention Robin has a story for each and every piece sold!


favorite things 2020

Hearne Dry Goods, a company with a cause, all locally made and the treat of popping on a pair of ear bobs to make lasagna at home for the 100th time just adds the spice needed to keep on keepin’ on!

favorite things 2020

(Photo; bonfire studs by Hearne Dry Goods)

Peg Leg Porker: As we say in the office, ‘Santa Baby... back!” Give the gift of ribs and some special sauce—no one has complained from getting a giant package of tried-and-true southern BBQ. And if you aren't into meat (why are we friends?), but really, the recently released 15-year bourbon is worth its weight in gold!


In Nashville? Order directly here:

favorite things 2020

(photo: Peg Leg Porker Bourbon)

Liquor Lab: Virtual cocktail classes and incredible cocktail kits for the boozy babe in your life!

Las Palmas is having an incredible gift card sale ALL of December! And we certainly aren’t complaining about the extra reasons to dip the chip in our fave cheese dip in Tennessee. https://www.laspalmasnashville.comThe

Tennessee Whiskey Trail: Virtual tastings and Trail merch never go out of style! But there is really nothing better then the gift of whiskey!

Boudros Texas Bistro: After over 35 years of being open 7 days a week, they had to shut their doors due to Covid in April and have since re-opened, it has been challenging, give them a like on Facebook or visit them next time you are in San Antonio!

Bambinos: Something for baby is also something for mama

Speaking of R family, give the gift of a wine drop from R founder’s famous wine brother, Grant at Parcelle Wine in NYC. They deliver all over the USA, and this gift has both free shipping and gets you 3 bottles for a flat fee of $95. Add his newly published book too and make it a gift bundle! Wine Drop HERE

Now that we have bragged about R clients and family here are R favorite things 2020 staff picks! 

Madison Baber: R Brand Ambassador Angel 

favorite things 2020

Herb Planter Stop overbuying herbs, and get an indoor herb garden and grow your own! If you don't quite have a green thumb, it's cleverly designed to be self-watering so you don't have to worry about over watering or killing your precious plants.

Glossier Makeup Set Even while hunkered down at home, a little makeup can add some pep to your step! This easy-to-apply essentials kit from Glossier comes with a brow pomade, buildable cream blush, and mascara for a fresh-faced look.

favorite things 2020

Silk Pillowcase  Because (sleep!) If you are looking to treat someone to a bit of luxury, this silk pillowcase will be the perfect addition to your sleep schedule. Plus as an added bonus, studies show that silk pillowcases create less friction causing fewer wrinkles and prevent bedhead! 

Bala Bangles Sweat with style with these bangle weights that adds a constant but comfortable resistance to your workout. They can be worn on wrists or ankles and come in a bunch of different colors.


Tracy Howard Garton R Content Consultant Queen!

favorite things 2020Claws Out Nailpolish It's activism in a bottle! We get to gussy up and do some good with these pretty, Portland, Oregon-made nail polishes that donate a portion of their proceeds to causes that affect women worldwide.

Stainless Cocktail Picks For some reason, cocktails just feel fancier when the garnish comes skewered on one of these polished cocktail picks.

Robin Haley Narrow Montana Sapphire Band Forget Santa—we're treating ourselves to exactly what we want this year, which is this stunning Montana sapphire band from Nashville's Robin Haley Jewelry.

favorite things 2020

Parachute Cloud Cotton Robe (photo above) If your 2020 has been anything like ours, you're practically living in loungewear. Which is why this cool, cottony robe from Parachute is at the top of our wishlist this year.

Kosas Lipstick in Rosewater Go pretty in pink during those WFH Zoom calls with this color-kissed lipstick from Kosas. It's ultra-hydrating thanks to its blend of jojoba oil, rosehip seed oil, and mango seed butter, with color (that in our experience) manages to stay put for most of the day.


Julia Heffelfinger: R R-ecipe Developer Extraordinare 

favorite things 2020
Sabah Shearling-Lined Slippers There are no rules in 2020. That means wearing your slippers to walk the dog or run to the grocery store is completely acceptable. Especially if you have these super-chic Turkish slippers lined with shearling and finished in emerald green leather. 

favorite things 2020

Italian Nick & Nora Glasses (set of 4)(photo above) I've developed a bit of an Italian amaro habit this past year. It's the perfect low-ABV sip after a long work day. These delicate Nick & Nora glasses would really take cocktail hour to the next level.

Siblings Candles Scent No. 4 I have a bit of a candle addiction. My next quarantine project is to cut down on extra waste and start making my own with these clever DIY kits from Siblings. Scent No. 4 has eucalyptus and evergreen and will be perfect for the holidays.

Sézane Shirt Jacket (photo below) Winter is my favorite wardrobe season because it's all about the layers and outerwear. This cerulean blue shirt jacket is top of my list: I can throw it on for a warm winter day, or layer it under my parka when the snow is coming down.

favorite things 2020Chile Crunch Party Jar Forget hot sauce, I am putting this crispy, garlicky chile crunch on everything. Made by a small maker in Colorado, I easily go through a jar every month. I've decided 2021 is the year I upgrade to the PARTY JAR.

Capabunga Market Tote This classic cream canvas tote is exactly what I want for my weekly farmer's market runs. There's even a strap for your fresh flowers!

Sarah Williams R Digital Guru with Food and Bev Clients:


favorite things 2020Sarah says this is the year of self-care and all she wants for Christmas is some peace and quiet and bath bombs (and maybe a little wine too)!


Scalp scrub, because we all have a headache after 2020… Lip and cheek balm, because under this face mask is a glowing gals face!

 Dry shampoo—because, well because! ‘R-ENEW’ YOUR INNER PEACE: Get Cozy with this Faux Fur Throw


Snuggled with by the fire with THIS book ( from The Bookstore Plus, of course) 

And a cup of tea with THIS monthly tea subscription: (photo below)

favorite things 2020

‘RESTORE’ YOUR BODY WITH SOME KITCHEN LOVE:  THIS Kitchen Glow-Up with this Cookbook And Mortar & Pestle  will do the trick !


Emily Reynolds Bergh: R Fearless Founder!


favorite things 2020My list this year is all about local love! And if I have learned anything about this year it is truly that there is “NO PLACE LIKE HOME!’ My mom named me after Auntie Em and I am totally in love with my hometown this year, like never before!


My favorite store to shop in upstate NY is The Birch Store. It’ a locally owned boutique and the owners actually styled Jon Bon Jovi (I am pretty sure that is the rumor) so each piece from a keychain to a notecard is thoughtfully picked out. I am digging THIS Hobo bag (photo below):


favorite things 2020Also, because I have a daughter named Opal I am now obsessed with all things Opal. This little shop in Oregon is a wholesale client for Robin Haley and I love, love, love their Instagram and found these super cute and affordable Opal earrings (photo below). 

I want to chop away at the New York Times bestseller list, so I am asking for an e-gift card from my favorite local bookstore, The Bookstore Plus. I literally cried happy tears and danced a happy dance when we confirmed them as a client this year. I truly love them so much!

Found this cool shop on Etsy that is also founded in The Adirondacks—I am really crushing on this ADK pendant and really want it in my stocking (photo above)!

Julie Cohen R In-House English Teacher


This year is all about being comfy and cozy in my home because that’s just about all we can do!

Dr Teals® Pink Himalayan Epsom Salt Scrub smells SO good. This is a perfect stocking stuffer, and I recommend this scent in any of Dr Teals products.

Okay, bear with me here. I have never been into the idea of matching my children or my husband or … anyone for that matter. But last year I jumped on the family jammie train, and I’m never gonna look back. There’s something about matching in our cute jammies that makes being stuck at home on quarantine a little more bearable. Also, when everyone is driving me insane, I’m reminded that hey, we are on the same team. We can do this. This year, I’ve had my eye on these LC Lauren Conrad ones for Kohls.

This year is all about searching for serenity in absolute chaos, amiright?? I love Boss Babes, a feminist coloring book, created by my buddy Michelle Volanksy. Pour yourself a glass of wine and relax coloring in Beyoncé, Meryl Streep, Malala, Ruth Badar Ginsburg, Adele, and all your other favorite queens.

Since I’ve spent so many hours staring at my walls, I’ve finally gotten around to framing some stuff, but now that I’ve started, I want more and more! Lately, I am loving the art by Vidhya Nagarajan. This season, I have my eye on her Foodie Alphabet. (photo above)

I’m in love with these Paper for The People paper art creations by Alexis Viele. Just listen to her mission: “This project was created in celebration of the good that exists within the tremendously difficult, and the incredible humans who inspire others to daily seek joy and find power within.” The portraits she creates are amazing!


Thank You and we all wish you the happiest of holidays!

The R Public Relations Team



cause marketing campaigns

Give (& Get) with R Cause Marketing Campaigns

Cause marketing isn’t a new thing. It’s actually been around since Marriott Corporation partnered with the March of Dimes in the 1970s. But it may be more important today than ever. Not because causes are more important now, rather it’s more important for brands to support them. Why? Brands need a way to cut through the noise and connect with consumers on a more purposeful level. Doing good for others certainly fits that bill. Here are tips to get you started.

What is a Cause Marketing Campaign?

Cause marketing in and of itself is a cooperative effort between a for-profit brand and a non-profit for the mutual benefit of both. The benefits include increased connection with consumers and increased awareness of the cause as well as profit. A cause marketing campaign is the implementation of that effort with the goal to increase sales for the brand while also increasing money contributed to the non-profit.

Keep in mind that cause marketing campaigns don’t have to focus on just national or global causes. They can and should focus on local causes as well.

The Impact of Cause Marketing 

So how much impact can cause marketing really have for brands? Quite a bit actually. In fact, a Mintel study shows that 73% of Americans say a company’s charitable giving affects their purchase decisions. Not only that, 50% of Americans say that they would switch to a company that supports a cause they believe in and that stat rises to 61% for Millennials (aged 24-41).

But it’s not just that consumers think it’s nice for brands to support causes. It’s increasingly becoming an expectation. That same Mintel study found that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe it is a company’s responsibility to give back (65%), while around half expect brands to improve the local community (53%). 

Cause marketing has even become so important there’s an actual day devoted to it–Giving Tuesday. It’s a day that not only encourages all people to do good by donating to causes that are important to them, many brands partner with those nonprofits to match a certain percentage of donations they receive that day. It’s hugely impactful for consumers, nonprofits, and brands alike! 

How to Do Cause Marketing

So, how do you create a successful cause marketing campaign? Start right here:

  • Authenticity: We encourage all R clients to give back with a cause that speaks to their mission because, above all, your campaign must be authentic to resonate with consumers. Ask yourself, is there a non-profit that aligns with your goals as an organization?
  • Audience: Next, consider the target audience for your brand. Are there causes that are more likely to speak to them and/or that they may already support? Ideally, the cause that you choose will align with your mission and the interests of your target audience.
  • Collaboration: Most non-profits are thrilled for any support, but collaboration can maximize the effectiveness of your campaign as it can give you insight on what’s worked and what hasn’t in the past. Not to mention to help you get the message right!
  • Timing: Not only when to launch but also the duration of the campaign. Typically up to 2 weeks gives you enough time to generate excitement and to hold your consumer’s attention. Then consider if there a certain time of year in which your cause is more urgent?
  • Branding: Go beyond simply putting a non-profit’s logo on your marketing materials. Think about a cohesive strategy across all your platforms. Create a hashtag and content to share as well as perhaps even a logo and/or specific design for the campaign. The idea is for the campaign to stand out while complementing your brand and keeping consumers engaged.
  • Call to Action: Consumers need to be able to quickly understand the ‘why’ for the campaign and what you want them to do. So, make sure there is a clear call to action at each touchpoint. This will also help you quantify the success of the campaign later. 
  • Share the Results: Another connection builder with consumers is to share the results of the campaign as well as its impact on the cause. And thank them for their contributions! This creates trust that you did what you said you would, and who doesn’t like appreciation?

Cause Marketing Campaigns in Action

Here are some favorite cause marketing campaigns from R clients:

This year’s Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1 which means now is the perfect time to create your cause marketing campaign. We’d love to help—click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!