
Highly Acclaimed PR Industry Leader Continues Momentum in 2024

Built with heart and innovation, R Public Relations is proud to boast the label of a boutique PR firm. The PR industry leader prides itself in understanding the custom needs of every client it works with. The team behind RPR is fueled by clients’ passions and the people that make their businesses run. With a mission to provide exceptionally creative and curated services for their clients, the team puts their heads together to solve novel PR and marketing challenges with creativity, strategy, and a bit of whimsy. RPR’s full suite of services includes campaign creation, public relations, event management, content marketing strategy, social media strategy, and creative services, including photography, art direction, and branding.

2023 was a banner year for R Public Relations (RPR), a fast-growing boutique PR firm. In addition to welcoming 14 new clients to its roster, the firm was recognized by six different publications for its excellence in the fields of marketing and public relations. These awards acknowledge everything from exceptional reputation management to overall preeminence in the field. The RPR team plans to take this momentum throughout 2024 as they dream up fresh, innovative ways to serve their clients.

PR Industry Leader RPR’s Recent Awards 

  • The 2023 Public Relations and Marketing Excellence Award which recognizes agencies and departments within companies who accelerate brand growth through exposing and promoting great business stories. 
  • Inc.’s Power Partners 2023, which identifies companies across multiple industries that consistently provide top-notch products and services.
  • Great Companies’ Women Entrepreneurs Award, in which judges select high-potential female entrepreneurs with outstanding resumes. Winners must make a “distinctive, unusual, and innovative contribution” to their respective fields.
  • Netty Awards’ Advertising and PR Awards, which recognize innovative PR and marketing achievements in the digital age.
  • Luxlife Magazine’s Best 5-Star Lifestyle & Hospitality PR Agency 2023, which showcases the very best companies in the hospitality industry today.
  • A slew of awards from Clutch Magazine, including Top Reputation Management Company and Top Event Management Company. Clutch awards are given to companies that demonstrate an exceptional ability to deliver consistent, high-quality work to clients.
  • Public Relations Agency of the Year, bronze Stevie® winner in The 2024 American Business Awards®. The winners were determined by the average scores of more than 300 professionals worldwide in the three-month judging process.
  • Most Reviewed Digital Marketing Leader for 2024 in The Manifest among Nashville digital marketing companies.

Know R Public Relations

With a presence in Tennessee, New York, and Texas, RPR has a history of successfully supporting new business launches, expansions, and major brand initiatives in these diverse regions. The team’s expertise lies in national media recognition, content support, and marketing and PR strategy — all of which work together to strengthen the operations of the small and mid-sized businesses on RPR’s client roster.

Emily Reynolds-Bergh founded RPR and, as a marketing and public relations professional with more than 15 years of experience, is the driving force behind the accolades. She possesses deep knowledge and expansive application of best practices in the PR industry and skillfully leads her team to deliver personalized PR services that produce exceptional outcomes for clients in the hospitality, business, and technology spaces and beyond. Emily’s aim for each client is to empower their highest professional goals and drive their brands to flourish. 

The path to her current role at the helm of R Public Relations started by co-authoring a book in grad school that taught her the power of the written word and the value of storytelling. Having found her passion and purpose, Emily dove headfirst into freelance promotional writing, most notably an ongoing gig for Taste magazine. Then, she progressed through pivotal PR positions at Jason Dady Restaurant Group in San Antonio and Bread & Butter in Austin, as well as Bay Bird in San Diego, all the while amassing specialty expertise that would allow her to branch out on her own.

R Public Relations, the PR industry leader, was launched in Texas in 2016 as a customer-focused boutique PR agency serving lifestyle brands. Every day, Emily’s work is enhanced by the distinct perspective her advanced degrees in psychology, philosophy, and social work bring to her team’s campaigns. She remains motivated by her intention to better the world around her with her outreach efforts and is proud to represent a carefully curated list of clients who share that vision and commitment to making a positive impact on their local communities.

Meet the Founder, Emily Reynolds Bergh

Emily has been featured in a multitude of publications and podcasts — including PR on the Go, BuzzFeed, Successful Entrepreneur, Global Publicist, and Authority Magazine — adding to the long list of awards racked up by the firm at large. For its part, RPR has also earned numerous local and regional awards, including being named the Best PR Agency in Nashville by multiple outlets, a Top 10 Reputation Management Company by Mirror Review, and a Certificate of Excellence from Bark. Emily currently serves as a member of the Forbes Business Council and is a regular contributor to Entrepreneur

As PR industry leaders, RPR and Emily understand the power of elegant PR told through captivating content, creative collaborations, engaging digital media strategy, dynamic event curation, and customized communications, the rarest kind. They help their clients make their mark on culture, and the team looks forward to accomplishing even more groundbreaking work in 2024.

PR Success

6 Ways to Prep Your Business for PR Success

PR Success

You want to take your business to the next level and think that public relations (PR) can help you get there. First, you’re right! But before you hire a PR firm there’s some prep work you need to do to make sure you get the most out of the relationship and both of your time. Here’s what to do for your business's PR success.

1. Get your story straight

Not your story for the press but rather your brand story. It’s hard for a PR firm to promote your business if your message and brand identity aren’t clear. To do so create a mission and vision statement if you haven’t already. And craft your brand message which is the value proposition that you convey to your target audience. This will help firms like R’s to know how to pitch you to the media.

2. Know your audience

Speaking of your target audience, for your PR to be its most effective, you’ll need to clearly identify them, their characteristics, their pain points, and how they engage with brands. Without this knowledge, you’re shooting blind so to speak in how best to reach and connect with them.

3. Prepare your background materials

Yes, your PR firm could help with these things, but you’ll have to give them the information anyway so put your budget where it will count most - in your PR campaigns – and do this yourself. You’ll need to create a company overview, fact sheet, and executive bios to start.

4. Update your website

This is the most comprehensive reflection of your business, but it’s often the most overlooked aspect of brand identity. Firms like R’s can also help you in this area, but if you’re looking to hire someone that’s exclusively focused on PR, then your website may need to be tackled separately. But it should be updated to reflect your look and message before the PR firm starts sending media and new prospects to it. It can be helpful to add a newsroom to the site as well to make it easy to access your company overview and fact sheet, etc.

5. Get active on social media

You don’t necessarily have to be active on every platform available. Really it depends on the nature of your business whether it makes sense to be active on traditional platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, or LinkedIn, a combination of these, or a different combination altogether. Ideally, you want to have a least some presence before beginning your PR efforts to make you more credible, but if that’s not the case what’s most important, as your new PR firm will tell you, is that you consistently post and engage on your accounts.

6. Define your goals

Quite simply, you need to give your PR firm some direction. We can do wonders, but we aren’t mind-readers so goals need to be defined upfront. The old adage of throwing ideas against the wall to see what sticks is not going to give you the results you want and deserve. Consider whether you’re interested in boosting awareness, increasing credibility, increasing brand engagement, and/or creating a more positive brand reputation. Firms like R’s can then take that direction to create measurable goals.

R team would love to help your business achieve PR success.  Learn more about our public relations services and schedule your FREE Discovery Call today!


cause marketing campaigns

Give (& Get) with R Cause Marketing Campaigns

Cause marketing isn’t a new thing. It’s actually been around since Marriott Corporation partnered with the March of Dimes in the 1970s. But it may be more important today than ever. Not because causes are more important now, rather it’s more important for brands to support them. Why? Brands need a way to cut through the noise and connect with consumers on a more purposeful level. Doing good for others certainly fits that bill. Here are tips to get you started.

What is a Cause Marketing Campaign?

Cause marketing in and of itself is a cooperative effort between a for-profit brand and a non-profit for the mutual benefit of both. The benefits include increased connection with consumers and increased awareness of the cause as well as profit. A cause marketing campaign is the implementation of that effort with the goal to increase sales for the brand while also increasing money contributed to the non-profit.

Keep in mind that cause marketing campaigns don’t have to focus on just national or global causes. They can and should focus on local causes as well.

The Impact of Cause Marketing 

So how much impact can cause marketing really have for brands? Quite a bit actually. In fact, a Mintel study shows that 73% of Americans say a company’s charitable giving affects their purchase decisions. Not only that, 50% of Americans say that they would switch to a company that supports a cause they believe in and that stat rises to 61% for Millennials (aged 24-41).

But it’s not just that consumers think it’s nice for brands to support causes. It’s increasingly becoming an expectation. That same Mintel study found that nearly two-thirds of Americans believe it is a company’s responsibility to give back (65%), while around half expect brands to improve the local community (53%). 

Cause marketing has even become so important there’s an actual day devoted to it–Giving Tuesday. It’s a day that not only encourages all people to do good by donating to causes that are important to them, many brands partner with those nonprofits to match a certain percentage of donations they receive that day. It’s hugely impactful for consumers, nonprofits, and brands alike! 

How to Do Cause Marketing

So, how do you create a successful cause marketing campaign? Start right here:

  • Authenticity: We encourage all R clients to give back with a cause that speaks to their mission because, above all, your campaign must be authentic to resonate with consumers. Ask yourself, is there a non-profit that aligns with your goals as an organization?
  • Audience: Next, consider the target audience for your brand. Are there causes that are more likely to speak to them and/or that they may already support? Ideally, the cause that you choose will align with your mission and the interests of your target audience.
  • Collaboration: Most non-profits are thrilled for any support, but collaboration can maximize the effectiveness of your campaign as it can give you insight on what’s worked and what hasn’t in the past. Not to mention to help you get the message right!
  • Timing: Not only when to launch but also the duration of the campaign. Typically up to 2 weeks gives you enough time to generate excitement and to hold your consumer’s attention. Then consider if there a certain time of year in which your cause is more urgent?
  • Branding: Go beyond simply putting a non-profit’s logo on your marketing materials. Think about a cohesive strategy across all your platforms. Create a hashtag and content to share as well as perhaps even a logo and/or specific design for the campaign. The idea is for the campaign to stand out while complementing your brand and keeping consumers engaged.
  • Call to Action: Consumers need to be able to quickly understand the ‘why’ for the campaign and what you want them to do. So, make sure there is a clear call to action at each touchpoint. This will also help you quantify the success of the campaign later. 
  • Share the Results: Another connection builder with consumers is to share the results of the campaign as well as its impact on the cause. And thank them for their contributions! This creates trust that you did what you said you would, and who doesn’t like appreciation?

Cause Marketing Campaigns in Action

Here are some favorite cause marketing campaigns from R clients:

This year’s Giving Tuesday is coming up on December 1 which means now is the perfect time to create your cause marketing campaign. We’d love to help—click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

nashville influencers

20 Top Nashville Influencers (and what makes them so important to brands)

Image by Style Blueprint

Merriam-Webster defines an influencer as someone who inspires or guides the actions of others, or more specifically, as someone who is able to generate interest in something by posting about it on social media. Brands have taken notice and influencer marketing is now a key component of social media strategy. How do they help and who are the top Nashville influencers? Find out here.

The Influence of Influencers

According to We Are Social, 3.484 billion people actively use social media (that’s 45 percent of the world’s population if you’re counting!). What we can pretty much all attest to is that we’re sick of being marketed at from every direction, no matter how targeted it may be. Enter influencers.

Early on, influencers were primarily celebrities. Anyone ever bought anything a Kardashian plugged? You don’t have to admit it, The Guardian shares the proof. But celebrity endorsements can be hard to come by, and can cost you big. 

Luckily, there are plenty of “regular people” who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on specific topics or specific categories through regular social media posts. They’re seen more as trusted friends and peers and are able to generate an engaged following that pays close attention to their recommendations. While they may not have the millions of followers, these influencers can potentially drive an average of 16x higher engagement rates than celebrities , according to The Realtime Report.

Top Nashville Influencers

If you’re a lifestyle brand in Nashville looking to connect with consumers and establish trust, influencer marketing may be just the way to go. Here are our top 20 Nashville influencers (in no particular order):

Nashville native Hunter Premo is the daughter of one of the city’s most sought-after makeup artists. But she’s more into fashion, sharing her boho style – and her life – with tens of thousands of followers.

After competing in Miss America as well as The Amazing Race (and gaining a following from that), Ervin is an influencer on topics that range from marriage and kids to fashion and female empowerment.

Born out of a desire to share her love of Nashville’s culinary scene, Davis’ Instagram has now become the place to inspire foodies or anyone exploring local restaurants to try.

This influencer and blogger shares her tips on food, fashion, and family plus offers tons of “swipe up” retail codes and life hacks.  

The Happily Grey founder posts beautifully curated pictures from her life as a fashionista, businesswoman, wife, new mom, and dog lover.  

Tomiko provides all kinds of travel tips and she also works to help brands shift the culture on diversity in tourism.

This yoga instructor and doula posts fitness and beauty tips as well as body-positive messages and book recommendations.

Husband to Hunter Premo, this photographer/videographer is an influencer in his own right on topics that include adventure, style, and chivalry for the modern gentleman.

She’s a trainer to local celebrities with a feed that shares workout tips, healthy recipes, and videos from her weekly Saturday night dance party with husband Sean.

This photographer came to Nashville by way of Austin and posts snaps of everything from walks in the park with her pups to front yard hangs and the beauty of everyday life here.

This power duo of Michelle and Dan came to Nashville by way of New England and we are all the more hungry for their food photos for it! Their posts and snaps of recipes, top lists of fab food finds, happy hours and more are not to be missed! 

Holly is a nurse practitioner who loves exploring some of the hottest restaurants and dishes in Nashville. She also shares some of her own dishes on her feed.

Josh’s blog reviews the best restaurants in Nashville and offers fun insights into the dining scene while all the mouth-watering finds are shared on Insta.

Ashley is a girl mom (and a dog mom) with a lifestyle blog that dishes on food, the latest fashion trends, parenting tips and life in Nashville where she’s lived for 10 years.

Blair overcame hunger herself and now shares her foodie experiences across Nashville and beyond.

This native Nashvillian blogs about food and lifestyle as she brings us along on her epic travel adventures near and far.

She’s your go-to girl for all things Nashville sharing delicious food as well as local clothing and cool snaps of our awesome city! 

Brittany is a creator, influencer and stylist who delivers daily inspiration for luxe plus fashion on Instagram and YouTube. 

Melissa is a digital strategy expert who brings authentic storytelling back to social media. In her spare time she shares the best plus size fashion trends and tips.

Chef Laura Lee has a background in health-related cooking and shares healthy, delicious recipes, meal plans and insights into her. 

For R help with influencer marketing, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

Image by Nashville Lifestyles

virtual events in nashville

R Checklist for Creating Top Virtual Events in Nashville

virtual events in nashville

It’s pretty much inevitable at this point that if you’re planning to host an event anytime soon, you gotta go virtual. But it’s not as easy as it sounds. Unless you have R checklist for creating top virtual events in Nashville, of course!

A Virtual History Lesson

We get it; nothing truly replaces the experience of meeting face-to-face with prospects, clients, and colleagues, but since COVID-19 began virtual events have been as much of a necessity as our daily coffee fix. In fact, virtual events have been around for longer than you may think for that very reason. The first webcam was actually created in 1993, by University of Cambridge computer scientists who were too ‘busy’ to physically check to see when the coffee, located in another lab, was ready. So, they created a webcam to livestream its progress. Priorities, right!?!

Virtual Events Today

In all seriousness, today’s virtual events can range from small groups to thousands of attendees, and the most common types of events include:

  • Question and answer sessions
  • Tutorials and/or classes
  • Training
  • Tours
  • Interviews
  • Performances
  • Conferences
  • Networking events

R Top Virtual Events Checklist

Anyone who’s ever planned an event knows how much goes into it. Success doesn’t come easily with virtual events either, but that doesn’t mean it shouldn’t look seamless! Here’s how:

Get a Game Plan And start early! Think about: 

  • What you want to achieve
  • Who your audience will be
  • The experience you want to offer
  • What content would be relevant to them, whether you want a live or on-demand event or both
  • If you’ll require registration
  • If you want to partner with advertisers and/or sponsors, as well as how you define success and how you will track those metrics. 

And don’t forget to create an event budget.

Work Out the Right Time – From working out time zones to ensuring you’re not competing with other similar events to doing some research on when your audience is typically online; choosing the right time and date is much more important (and much more involved) than you may initially think.

Pick the Right Platform – This really depends are what type of event your hosting. For live-tweeting events, you might use Reddit or Slack (don’t forget the hashtag!). Webinar platforms include Zoom, as well as Livestorm and YouTube Livestream. Social livestreams include Instagram Live, Facebook Live and LinkedIn Live. For conferences there’s 6connex, HeySummit and Run the World.

Promote, Promote, Promote – There’s so much competing for your audience’s time, including other virtual events. So, make sure potential attendees know the details and WHY they should attend. Then promote far and wide using email, social media, and on sites like Eventbrite. What’s more, ramp up your efforts starting 2-3 weeks out as many won’t commit until then. And don’t forget to enlist speakers as ambassadors for the event in addition to creating an event hashtag and a dedicated landing page.

Test Things Out – Rehearsals are super important because it’s far too easy for attendees to bail if your virtual event is a pain. Test internet connections, prepare backups of presentations, and make sure your speakers are comfortable with the platform. Depending on the size of the event, you might even have some tech support available for attendees should they run into trouble.

Create Opportunities to Engage – Of course we’ve never done this ourselves, but we’ve all ‘heard’ of multitasking or social media surfing during a virtual event. Gasp! The easiest way to avoid people tuning out is to keep them engaged by incorporating a poll or chat tool (make sure to have a moderator) and/or encourage live-tweeting. Don’t forget to ask for feedback at the end of the event so you can improve for next time too!

Virtual Events That Got It Right

With so many virtual events out there right now, there are plenty of hits and misses. But, here are some of R favorite successful events:

  • Skift’s Online Summit - Travel's Path Forward – The first in their series of travel summits, the event had multiple speakers and guests had the opportunity to ask questions. Recordings of the series can be found here. 
  • Lululemon has been hosting a monthly online book club with live discussions on Instagram that feature the authors. Each book club pick focuses on a health and wellness topic and the discussions are moderated by one of their global ambassadors.
  • Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood hosted a series of free livestream concerts on Facebook Live with the hashtag #GarthRequestLive where they played requests that fans put in the comments. We simply had to include a Nashville success story right?
  • Silverado Vineyards came up with the concept of a virtual wine taste test to unveil a new product. They sent wines to their best customers and invited them to a virtual tasting while their experts discussed the wines.
  • Washington Performing Arts Gala – Their gala was scheduled for March and instead of canceling it they turned it into a virtual livestream experience in only 3 days! And even created a webinar to document how it went!

Top Virtual Events in Nashville Coming Up

For R help in planning your virtual events in Nashville or beyond, click HERE to schedule a FREE Discovery Call today!

virtual events in nashville

difference between pr marketing and advertising

R Commonly Asked PR Questions

difference between pr marketing and advertising

With years of experience in public relations, we know that great things come when you get people talking. But that’s just one reason why we love answering your PR questions. The other: to show just how effective PR can be in helping your business flourish! To start the conversation, we’ve answered some of R most commonly asked questions. 

What's the difference between PR marketing and advertising? 

Wondering about the difference between PR marketing and advertising? Public Relations are creative content tools to relate to the public and a wider audience messaging for your business, such as press management, content on your social media, and creative promotions to entice a larger audience to know—and care—about your business or brand. Marketing is a tool used to mix the brand aspects of your business with internal messages such as menus, website updates, social media strategy and a direct a to b channel from brand to a message. PR is more indirect, as you rely on media (both traditional and digital) to convey your message—here, a publicist is in the driver seat to ensure your messages are properly conveyed, serving as your messengers to the general public as opposed to just message givers (like a more traditional marketer). Advertising is a direct message to a platform such as a billboard, digital ad on a website, TV ad on a station or show—this is where your message, such as “stop by we’ll leave the light on for you,” would be directly placed on a platform. An advertising agent will likely lead you to those sources, discuss an ad budget, and advise on proper channels and messages to entice a direct audience with a direct message.

Are press kits still a thing? 

Yes, a press kit is used for many reasons, it aligns all press you have garnered ( or are garnering) and offers the writer a way to fact check directly with a proper press kit a lot of back and forth and research can be avoided and a writer is more likely to write about someone or a business that has an organized brand. All of which can be conveyed on a professionally done press kit.

How can an influencer help a brand? 

Influencers can sometimes be a tool to entice more buzz, however, often influencers charge for posts, so you want to be sure that the influencer(s) you choose to work with offer media kits with successfully brand sharing stories and also their audience matches your brand efforts. Know your goals going into the relationship, like if you want to increase your followers, be sure they have a track record of helping others do this, or if you are pushing a product or sale be sure you have your message clear to them so your goals are also met, especially if you are paying them.

Let’s keep talking. Schedule a FREE discovery call today!

difference between pr marketing and advertising

Nashville PR

How a Nashville PR Opportunity Inspired R Business to Branch Out

As we’re all becoming increasingly aware, you have to be open to change. Whether it comes about intentionally, as happenstance, or in response to a crisis, sometimes you just have to roll with it. In doing so, you may just be surprised by the opportunities that grow. The story of how RPR Firm came into the Nashville PR scene is a prime example.

The ‘It’ City for Business Too

Nashville’s moniker as the “It” city has been firmly entrenched for its music, food, and Southern hospitality. But, it’s also become one of the top places in the country to start a business in 2020 according to The reasons for the number 11 out of 50 ranking include the city’s net business creation, population growth, and job creation. R founder, Emily Reynolds Bergh, luckily recognized this entrepreneurial spirit much sooner.

The Call That Changed It All

Never one to limit herself to one city for long, Bergh had spent years working in public relations in San Diego, CA, as well as San Antonio and Austin, TX. After having launched RPR Firm in Austin, as she tells it, “I received a referral from a long-time client. His friend was opening up a new concept in Nashville. I had never even been to Nashville and yet was called to see if I would be up for doing some work for an opening. I visited and fell in love with the city (as many do). The music, the food, the life felt like the change that I needed both personally and professionally.”

Why Nashville PR for RPR Firm

What she also realized was that the most thriving industries in Nashville happened to be those in which RPR Firm specializes including restaurant, retail, hospitality, health and wellness, and of course, startups. It was the perfect fit. But, says Bergh, “I didn’t want to leave my Texas life fully behind so RPR Firm now has branches in Texas and Nashville and we work with clients nationally. It was the best decision I ever made.”

We now not only have Austin and Nashville PR clients, but we also help brands across the country from Portland to New York City bring their vision to life. And expanding to Nashville helped us find just the right blend of talent across our brand, digital, and content teams for R clients.

How can we support your brand?

Schedule a FREE Discovery Call with our Nashville PR Team Today!

ways to help small businesses

10 Ways To Help Small Businesses Right Now!

Help Small Businesses

We are the behind-the-curtain folks, the weavers of words, the people that help share passion and spread good news! I am writing this as, like many of you and like most of the world, I want to save all the restaurants and bars, and help small businesses from the hardships being immediately faced. I feel like every morning I wake up and see someone else I care about posting about making a hard decision with their business, and it seems that although we are practicing things like “social distancing”—a phrase I never have used in my life as both an extrovert and a lover of people—we are also in the midst of times where supporting and giving services is needed more than ever.

As communications pros, we can be a beacon of hope during these strange and difficult times—we are the messengers to the media, we are the media, we move the needle from fear to fearless by being courageous and creative innovators in a time of great need! So I ask, HOW can we help—now? I’ve listed some of R teams ideas below on ways to help small businesses, and support clients, media friends, and most of all each other. Let us know what you’d add, too, we are here to bounce ideas, support, and help small businesses! Let’s do this!

1. Pick up the phone

Get off email and CALL your people—they need you. They’re reading the news and social media and seeing their friends close down and make difficult decisions—offer creative solutions that can help them weather this storm (an abbreviated but awesome take-out menu, clever delivery options, etc). Read this again, CALL and connect, it makes a world of difference—trust me.

2. Source ideas with other professionals.

If you are like me, you have been writing crisis communication plans, scraping all the content you planned for this month and next and next and gearing up for a daily swipe of your ideas—you need some creative support! Call, text, and email fellow communications pros! This is the time to give extra hours, time, and talents to each other to support the world of small businesses. THIS is our time to really support each other and get over any fear that someone will take your client or idea. In this case, we all need to save this sinking ship for EVERYONE and we are the answers. 

3. Be a marketing genius

During the Great Depression, furniture stores offered free incentives called “Depression glass” (like a plate or a teacup) and people went wild shopping for furniture just to get the free glasses, even when they didn’t have much. Today a tiny Depression tea glass is worth $25-$75 (some more), and these were given out for free to our grandmothers. Who came up with that idea? A MARKETING GENIUS, that’s who. Us marketing pros are the people behind the curtain and we get to show off our most genius ideas—often in the most desperate times.

Just this week alone I have seen café owners delivering goods, celebrities reading storybooks online, museums offering free tours, and even Disney taking viewers on virtual rides. The internet is blowing up and our ideas are just waiting to take off and find value with our clients. So do what you need to be risky and wise and get someone to sign up for something they never thought they would—it WILL work!

4. Be calm + confident

Be confident, be collected, and know this too shall pass. If we hold our visions our clients will too, and we are the ones who help document and execute those visions. So it is up to us to be calm in the storm when they need to freak out because their business is taking turns they never imagined. Be confident. Know you were hired because you are smart, talented and clients can count on you to share their message—that’s you!

5. Be mindful

Be mindful of your words instead of “hard times” change that up for “things are constantly changing” instead of “closing” change that up for “we will open as soon as we can.” Words have power and now more than ever WE are responsible for encouraging clients and media to lessen the drastic language and fear and see things as a work in progress. As the truth is this is actually a golden opportunity to be creative with businesses. Those that know how to pivot and stay calm will be the ones on top after the storm blows over.

6. Be generous with your time

We need to write more blog posts, edit more press releases and help more than we probably ever have before—now is the time to get our boots dirty. It’s hard work, but so worth it! 

7. Shop, shop, shop

Buy all the things—get merch, get gift cards, and practice what you are preachin’ sister!

8. Make your pitches short and sweet

And with all information in digestible deets—who, what, where, and website links—and nothing else! We don't want to make more work for our media friends who are getting more emails than ever right now. 

9. Share other people’s creative work

Not just your clients! Ask and offer fellow comm friends ways you can lend a helping hand! Giving truly makes the world of difference in stressful situations.


Be kind to yourself included, take a bath, do an online yoga class, pour a glass of wine at the end of the day, whatever gets you to zen. You can’t save the world if you aren’t taking care of you and from there sprinkle out the good witch vibes and let people know they have had the power to change and shift and grow within them the whole time. (‘nuff said).

From friends in the comm worlds:

“Entertain and engage! This is the time to show your audience your brand value through digital marketing by giving them what they need the most right now. Something to do. You literally have a captive audience, so don’t waste that opportunity with your average content. Find creative ways to entertain and engage your audience. A great way to do that is through mixed media: video, graphics, motion graphics, email campaigns, etc. Create giveaways, quizzes, and games! The more your audience feels supported by your brand during this time, the more brand loyalty they will reciprocate when things go back to normal.” Sarah Wlliams (digital marketing guru)

Have something to add and help small businesses? Please share!


new years eve reservation recs

R New Year's Eve R-eservation R-ecs



R New Year's Eve R-eservation R-ecsStill haven’t locked in your New Year’s Eve plans? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. With clients across Nashville, Austin, and San Antonio offering a wide range of unique, inventive holiday experiences, we’re having a hard time deciding what city to spend the night in R-selves.

Take Nashville, where Sea Salt is offering a four course dinner with entrées ranging from surf & turf to scallops & grits. For desert, top it off with your choice of almond cream cake or butterscotch pudding (limited reservations still available). Or how about enjoying five courses at Foreign & Domestic in Austin, where they’re featuring dry aged rohan duck (limited reservations still available) Move over to San Antonio, where you could count down the clock with a sidecar in the bar at Bohanan’s, or snag a reservation to enjoy one of their unbeatable signature Akaushi beef steaks. How does your choice of a four or five course dinner and live jazz at Biga on the Banks sound? Or maybe a wood grilled filet mignon and butter poached lobster tail from Boudro’s? Want something a little more intimate? Zinc has you covered with a dinner and wine pairing served in their beautiful wine cellar. Don’t want to celebrate in the city? Enjoy some live music and delicious comfort food at Peggy’s on the Green in Boerne. Are you hosting the countdown to midnight at your house? Make sure you grab a pound of brisket and a couple sides from Davila’s BBQ in Seguin. See why it’s a tough choice?

new years eve reservation recs

Sea Salt Nashville



209 3rd Avenue North

Nashville, TN 37201




New Year’s Eve - 5 p.m to 12 a.m.





Facebook: @seasaltnashville

Instagram: @seasaltnash


Foreign & Domestic, Austin

new years eve reservation recs


306 East 53rd St.

Austin, Texas 78751




New Year’s Eve - 5 p.m to 11 p.m.





Facebook: FNDaustin

Instagram: @fndaustin





219 E. Houston St.




New Year’s Eve - 5 p.m - 11 p.m.  Bar 5 p.m. - 1 a.m.





Facebook: @bohanans

Instagram: @bohanans


Biga on the Banks



203 S. St. Mary’s Street

San Antonio, Texas 78205




New Year’s Eve - 5:30 p.m - 10 p.m.




Facebook: bigaonthebanks

Instagram: @bigaonthebanks





421 E. Commerce, San Antonio, TX 78205



New Year’s Eve - 11 a.m - 12 a.m.




Facebook: @boudrostexasbistro

Instagram: @boudrostexasbistro


Zinc Bistro & Bar



207 N. Presa Street  San Antonio, Texas 78205



New Year’s Eve - 3 p.m - 2 a.m.




Facebook:  @ZincSA

Instagram: @zincbistrobar


Peggy’s on the Green



207 N. Presa Street  San Antonio, Texas 78205




New Year’s Eve - 5 p.m - 12 a.m.





Facebook:  @peggysboerne

Instagram: @peggysboerne


new years eve reservation recsDavila’s BBQ


418 W Kingsbury St, Seguin, TX 78155




New Year’s Eve - 11 a.m - 4 p.m.



Facebook:  @DavilasBBQ

Instagram: @DavilasBBQ