Podcasts are growing rapidly, so much so that podcast listeners are projected to reach over 110 million by 2029, according to a study done by Statista. According to Demandsage, there are around 4 million podcasts worldwide as of August 2024. Podcasts cover a vast range of topics and have become a source of news, inspiration, and entertainment for many. The increasing popularity and demand for podcasts are apparent, and industries, including public relations (PR), are accommodating this shift in content. Here are a few ways to use podcasts to your advantage in your PR effort.

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Photo Credit: Magda Elhers | Pexels

Why Use Podcasts for Your PR Effort?

Deciding if podcasts are suitable for your PR strategy can be tricky. According to Forbes, many podcasts only have a couple dozen listeners, but don’t let this discourage you. Even if your listenership is small, the effects can be mighty. When developing podcasts, you have a better chance of reaching loyal members of your target audience. This is only one of the many benefits of incorporating podcasts into your PR effort.

Read on to learn about the various ways podcasts can benefit your PR strategies and campaigns.

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Photo Credit: cottonbro studio | Pexels

1. Thought Leadership

Podcasts are a great way to discuss topics in depth and build trust. According to the Pew Research Center, two-thirds of podcast listeners find podcasts to be a trustworthy source and expect information to be accurate. If you’re looking to build authority within your strategy, developing a podcast can be a great way to do so. Showcase your expertise by deep-diving into your niche and becoming a source of truth.

2. Tell a Story

The best stories are told verbally. Podcasts are a great way to deliver content entertainingly and concisely. Podcast content allows you to take control of your narrative and tell stories how you want. Since podcasts are an “owned” platform, meaning you have full control over them, you get to decide how long or short the episode is, your tone and delivery, and any other factors like whether you want to add a video format to your podcast. Not to mention, consumers find podcasts easy to consume and are more likely to gravitate towards podcasts for long-form content. 

3. Establish Brand Voice

What better way to establish your brand’s voice than giving it an actual voice? When planning your podcast, consider all aspects of how it will enhance your brand. Many podcasts use music to separate sections of an episode or incorporate a Q&A for viewers. Choosing the right person to host your podcast, your podcast title, and any supporting guests are all important ways of conveying your brand’s message and building brand awareness

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Photo Credit: George Milton | Pexels

4. Reach Your Target Audience

A unique feature of podcasts is that there is something for everyone. If you’re looking to reach a niche audience, podcasts might be the route to take. With genres ranging from comedy and education to business and news, there’s something for all podcast listeners to enjoy. Reaching your desired audience is often a leading goal in PR strategies, so developing a podcast may be an easy solution.

5. Boost SEO 

Podcasts are another medium in which you can plug keywords into your content. Since Google can now audio index podcasts via Google search, your podcasts can appear in search results for your top keywords. You can also include a written transcription of your podcast episodes to share on your website and accompanying blog content for total SEO optimization. 

Podcasts have met consumers’ need for easily accessible news, information, and entertainment. Creating a podcast can generate authenticity with your audience and give you a forum to share information and stories. When creating your next strategy, consider the benefits of podcasts. Not only is this trending medium valuable to your brand and audience, but it also makes a lasting impression on your PR efforts.